Watch #CubChatLive every Friday at 2 p.m. Central on Facebook Live or YouTube for useful tips, tricks and ideas to help your den or pack.

Upcoming Episodes

  • Mar. 28: Fishing Elective Adventure across ranks
  • Apr. 4: Summertime Fun Elective Adventure across ranks
  • Apr. 11: Leader Succession Planning

Join us at 2 p.m. Central on the Scouting magazine Facebook page or YouTube channel.

Latest Episode

Swimming Elective Adventures for every Cub Scout rank

Swimming is a fun activity for Cub Scouts of all ages. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll dive into the swimming elective Adventures for every rank and show you how to plan safe and memorable activities for your pack. (Mar. 21, 2025)

#CubChatLive Podcast

On the go? Listen to an audio-only version of #CubChatLive. This podcast is available below or by searching for “CubChatLive” on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favorite podcast platform.

Swimming Elective Adventures for every Cub Scout rank
  • Swimming Elective Adventures for every Cub Scout rank

    Swimming Elective Adventures for every Cub Scout rank

    Mar 21, 2025 • 27:30

    Swimming is a fun activity for Cub Scouts of all ages. In this #CubChatLive, we'll dive into the swimming elective Adventures for every rank and show you how to plan safe and memorable activities for your pack.

  • Pack Annual Planning Conference Tips and Ideas

    Pack Annual Planning Conference Tips and Ideas

    Mar 14, 2025 • 38:10

    An annual planning conference is the first step toward ensuring an exciting year of Cub Scouting. In this #CubChatLive, we'll share expert tips and creative ideas to help make yours a success.

  • Cycling is a fun Cub Scout activity for all ages

    Cycling is a fun Cub Scout activity for all ages

    Mar 7, 2025 • 28:35

    In this #CubChatLive, we’ll explore the cycling elective Adventures for every rank and discover how they can be used to plan an unforgettable pack activity.

  • What Camping Looks Like at Each Cub Scout Rank

    What Camping Looks Like at Each Cub Scout Rank

    Feb 28, 2025 • 29:23

    Cub Scouts love camping! In this week's #CubChatLive, we'll explore what camping looks like at each Cub Scout rank and unveil a helpful, new camping chart.

  • Use Spring Recruiting To Prepare Your Pack for Success in the Fall

    Use Spring Recruiting To Prepare Your Pack for Success in the Fall

    Feb 21, 2025 • 39:33

    Spring is the perfect season to invite new families to join Cub Scouts! In this week's #CubChatLive, we'll explore how recruiting now can set up your pack for success in the fall.

  • Paddling Adventures for Older Cub Scouts

    Paddling Adventures for Older Cub Scouts

    Feb 14, 2025 • 34:08

    Getting out on the water and paddling around is a great way to enjoy the outdoors. On this #CubChatLive, we discuss the Adventures that will get older Cub Scouts out on ponds and lakes in canoes, kayaks or standup paddleboards.

  • Make awards ceremonies fun, exciting and memorable for Cub Scouts

    Make awards ceremonies fun, exciting and memorable for Cub Scouts

    Feb 7, 2025 • 45:44

    Recognizing Scouts for their hard work is an important part of the Cub Scout program. Join us on #CubChatLive as we share creative ideas to make awards presentations fun, exciting and memorable.

  • Ideas for celebrating Scout Sunday, Scout Sabbath and Scout Jumuah

    Ideas for celebrating Scout Sunday, Scout Sabbath and Scout Jumuah

    Jan 31, 2025 • 30:21

    Celebrate faith, community, and the 12th point of the Scout Law! In this #CubChatLive, we’ll explore fun and meaningful ways to observe Scout Sunday, Scout Sabbath and Scout Jumuah.

  • Cold Weather Activities and Gear for Cub Scouts

    Cold Weather Activities and Gear for Cub Scouts

    Jan 24, 2025 • 33:24

    Is it ever too cold for Cub Scouts to go camping? It depends! Join us for this week’s #CubChatLive as we sit down with an expert to discuss proven tips for keeping Cub Scouts warm, safe and happy during winter activities.

  • Preparing for Arrow of Light Crossovers

    Preparing for Arrow of Light Crossovers

    Jan 17, 2025 • 39:56

    January and February are the preferred months for Arrow of Light Cub Scouts to move into a Scouts BSA troop. Join us on #CubChatLive to learn more about how the latest Arrow of Light program updates affect the crossover timeline, and how leaders and parents can support the adjustment to…

#CubChatLive Archives

3/21/2025Swimming Elective Adventures for every Cub Scout rank
Swimming is a fun activity for Cub Scouts of all ages. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll dive into the swimming elective Adventures for every rank and show you how to plan safe and memorable activities for your pack. (Download slides and resources)
3/14/2025Pack Annual Planning Conference Tips and Ideas
An annual planning conference is the first step toward ensuring an exciting year of Cub Scouting. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share expert tips and creative ideas to help make yours a success. (Download slides)
3/7/2025Cycling is a fun Cub Scout activity for all ages
In this #CubChatLive, we’ll explore the cycling elective Adventures for every rank and discover how they can be used to plan an unforgettable pack activity.
2/28/2025What Camping Looks Like at Each Cub Scout Rank
Cub Scouts love camping! In this week’s #CubChatLive, we’ll explore what camping looks like at each Cub Scout rank and unveil a helpful, new camping chart. (Download slides)
2/21/2025Use Spring Recruiting To Prepare Your Pack for Success in the Fall
Spring is the perfect season to invite new families to join Cub Scouts! In this week’s #CubChatLive, we’ll explore how recruiting now can set up your pack for success in the fall. (Download slides)
2/14/2025Paddling Adventures for Cub Scouts
Getting out on the water and paddling around is a great way to enjoy the outdoors. On this #CubChatLive, we discuss the Adventures that will get older Cub Scouts out on ponds and lakes in canoes, kayaks or standup paddleboards. (Download slides and resources)
2/7/2025 Make awards ceremonies fun, exciting and memorable for Cub Scouts
Recognizing Scouts for their hard work is an important part of the Cub Scout program. Join us on #CubChatLive as we share creative ideas to make awards presentations fun, exciting and memorable. (Download ceremony script ideas and creative award resources)
1/31/2025Ideas for celebrating Scout Sunday, Scout Sabbath and Scout Jumuah
Celebrate faith, community, and the 12th point of the Scout Law! In this #CubChatLive, we’ll explore fun and meaningful ways to observe Scout Sunday, Scout Sabbath and Scout Jumuah.
1/24/2025Cold Weather Activities and Gear for Cub Scouts
Is it ever too cold for Cub Scouts to go camping? It depends! Join us for this week’s #CubChatLive as we sit down with an expert to discuss proven tips for keeping Cub Scouts warm, safe and happy during winter activities.
1/17/2025Preparing for Arrow of Light Crossovers
January and February are the preferred months for Arrow of Light Cub Scouts to move into a Scouts BSA troop. Join us on #CubChatLive to learn more about how the latest Arrow of Light program updates affect the crossover timeline, and how leaders and parents can support the adjustment to the Scouts BSA program.
1/10/2025 Let’s talk about Scouting for Clean Waterways!
Let’s talk about Scouting for Clean Waterways! In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss how Scouting America’s newest conservation-focused program can help Cub Scouts across all ranks earn the Champions of Nature elective Adventure. (Download slides and resources)
12/20/2024 Planning Your Pack’s Blue and Gold
The blue and gold banquet is a highlight of the Cub Scout year. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share creative ideas and helpful tips that you can be doing now to prepare for your pack’s celebration.
12/13/2024 Your Pinewood Derby car design could come to life on a REAL race car! Find out how!
See your Pinewood Derby car design come to life on a REAL race car! Watch this #CubChatLive to learn how. Plus, we’re chatting with NASCAR ARCA driver Zachary Tinkle about his journey from racing Pinewood Derby cars to zooming around a real track. (Get contest details)
12/6/2024 Family & Reverence Required Adventures Across Ranks
Every rank in Cub Scouting includes a Family & Reverence Adventure designed to build values and connections. In this week’s #CubChatLive, we’ll look at the requirements for these Adventures and share creative ways to incorporate them into fun Cub Scout meetings and family activities at home. (Download slides and resources)
11/22/2024All About the New Race Time Elective Adventure
Pinewood Derby and Raingutter Regatta are two of Cub Scouting’s most treasured traditions! And now they’re part of an official elective Adventure. Join us on #CubChatLive as we explore the requirements for the new Race Time adventure and share tips and ideas for running a fun and memorable event. (Download slides)
11/15/2024Personal Fitness Required Adventures Across Ranks
Personal fitness is one of the aims of Cub Scouting, and it’s an ideal activity for a pack gathering. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll look at the personal fitness-related Adventures for each rank and discuss ways to incorporate these requirements into a fun meeting. (Download slides)
11/8/2024Citizenship Required Adventures Across Ranks
Citizenship is one of the aims of the Cub Scout program. Join us for #CubChatLive as we explore the citizenship-related required Adventures across all ranks and discuss how to incorporate these activities into fun pack gatherings. (Download slides and resources)
11/1/2024Cub Scout requirements designed to be done at home
Many requirements in the updated Cub Scout program are designed to be completed at home! In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss which aspects of the program work best when done with a parent or guardian.
10/25/2024Cub Scout uniform method at play
Did you know the uniform is one of the methods of delivering the Cub Scout program? Learn why in this #CubChatLive featuring the director of the Cub Scouts. Plus, we’ll share some practical tips on how to make the uniform method work for your pack. (Download slides)
10/18/2024Fun outdoors required adventures across ranks
Outdoor adventures are a favorite for Cub Scouts, and with every rank including one, they are a perfect choice for pack meetings or combined dens. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll explore these required adventures in detail and share creative tips to plan fun outdoor activities. (Download slides)
10/11/2024Knife safety adventures in Cub Scouts
The latest Cub Scout program updates include a renewed focus on knife safety with three new elective Adventures. Join us for #CubChatLive as we discuss what a youth must do to earn the right to use a knife in Cub Scouting. (Download slides)
10/4/2024How to incorporate the Bobcat Adventure into a fun-filled pack meeting
Bobcat is a required Cub Scout Adventure across all of the ranks, making it the perfect activity for a pack meeting. Join us for #CubChatLive as we dive further into this revamped Adventure and share exciting ways to incorporate it into a fun-filled gathering. (Download slides)
9/27/2024Camping guideline updates for Webelos and Arrow of Light Cub Scouts
Webelos and Arrow of Light Cub Scouts are now fully separate ranks, which means they also have fully separate rules for camping. Join us as we explore the new guidelines and share helpful tips and ideas to ensure a fun, safe and successful camping experience for these Cub Scouts.
9/20/2024Secrets to successful Cub Scout fundraising
Popcorn, beef jerky and nuts — oh my! In this #CubChatLive, we’ll tackle all things product sales. We’ll clear up common fundraising misconceptions and share practical tips to make raising money fun, simple and easy for Cub Scouts, leaders and parents. (Download slides)
9/13/2024Onboarding new Cub Scout leaders
The right kind of mentoring can help new Cub Scout leaders succeed. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share ways experienced leaders can guide and support newcomers, making their leadership experience fun, simple and easy. (Download slides | Download feedback form)
9/6/2024How to plan a fun and successful Join Scouting night
Join Scouting nights are a staple of fall recruiting. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll help you plan a fun and successful event to welcome new families and grow your Cub Scout community. (Download slides)
8/23/2024What’s new in the Den Meeting Resources?
The National Cub Scouting Committee has created den meeting resources to make leading a den more fun, simple and easy than it’s ever been before. In this week’s #CubChatLive, we’ll share some exciting new features and enhancements, shaped by dedicated volunteers like you. (Download slides)
8/16/2024Welcome emails for new Cub Scout families and leaders
A friendly, courteous and kind welcome email can go a long way in helping new Cub Scout families and leaders feel included right from the start. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll talk with an expert about Scouting America’s series of welcome emails and discuss how they can enhance your pack’s overall communication strategy. (Download slides)
8/9/2024What is the “Inclusion Toolbox for Special Needs and Disabilities” and how can you use it?
“The Inclusion Toolbox for Special Needs and Disabilities” is a vital resource for Cub Scout leaders. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll talk with an expert about how to effectively use the toolbox. Plus, we’ll discuss tips for supporting and engaging every Cub Scout in your den or pack.
8/2/2024Roundtable Video Resources
Welcome to roundtable! The National Cub Scout Committee has produced a series of roundtable videos packed with valuable tips and insights. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share some of our favorite roundtable videos and discuss how they can help your den or pack. (Download slides)
7/26/2024What is a Cub Scout Commissioner?
On this #CubChatLive, Cub Chat Mike shares his experience as a member of the National Commissioner Service team and talks about what commissioners want Cub Scout leaders to know, and what Cub Scout leaders want commissioners to know.
7/19/2024Latest enhancements and future plans for ScoutBook
ScoutBook is the best way to track advancement, share a calendar, communicate with your unit and much, much more. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll talk with the ScoutBook project manager about the latest enhancements and future plans for this essential tool. Don’t miss out — join us with your comments and questions! (Download slides)
7/12/2024Top 3 things you can do now to have a great Cub Scout program
Leading a Cub Scout pack under the latest program updates is fun, simple and easy. Join us for #CubChatLive as we discuss the top three things you should be doing right now to make sure your pack’s program is running as well as it can be. You won’t believe No. 3! (Download slides)
6/28/2024Supporting Cub Scout Families Through Marketing
Effective marketing can boost your pack’s growth and success. Join us for #CubChatLive, where we’ll be joined by Michael Ramsey, Scouting America’s vice president of communications and marketing. He’ll share valuable tips and tools to help you spread the word about your pack and create a thriving community.
6/21/2024What are Cub Scout families looking for? Let’s look at the research
Curious about what today’s Cub Scout families value the most? Join us for #CubChatLive with Director of Research Pat Wellen as we dive into the latest research from Voice of the Scout. We’ll explore key findings and discuss how this information can help dens and packs. (Download slides)
6/14/2024Updates to Cub Scout leader training modules
Cub Scout online training is being updated to reflect the latest program updates. Tune in to this #CubChatLive to learn what’s changing and what isn’t, and which modules you might want to retake. (Download slides)
6/7/2024Safety Integration in the updated Cub Scout program
Safety is built into the newly updated Cub Scout program. Join us for #CubChatLive as we dive into the tools and resources available to leaders to help them provide a fun and safe experience for all Cub Scouts. (Download slides)
5/31/2024Celebrate the Launch of the Cub Scout Program Updates!
It’s a launch party! Join us on #CubChatLive to celebrate the Cub Scout program updates that officially go into effect tomorrow! We’ll chat with three guests who played key roles in making these updates happen. Hear about the challenges they overcame and the rewarding moments they experienced to keep Cub Scouting relevant for all children.
5/17/2024Social media resources for Cub Scout leaders
Social media is full of resources for Cub Scout leaders. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss how to find these resources and how to assess their quality.
5/3/2024Get Answers to the Most-Asked Cub Scout Program Update Questions
Get the answers to the most-asked Cub Scout program update questions in this #CubChatLive! We’ll be joined by the chair of the National Cub Scouting Committee, who will share her insights. Don’t miss this opportunity to join the conversation live!
4/26/2024 Introducing the new ‘Champions for Nature’ elective adventure
Join us for #CubChatLive as we introduce “Champions for Nature,” an elective adventure available at every rank in the updated Cub Scout program. We’ll talk with an expert about how this worldwide Scouting initiative can help your Cub Scouts learn about conserving natural resources. (Download slide)
4/19/2024Succession Planning for Cub Scout Leaders
When Cub Scout leaders move on, who will take their place? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share ideas to help you make sure you always have a plan, and discuss why it’s so important to be continually developing new leaders. (Download slides)
4/12/2024Membership Renewal and Pack Recharters
Did you know that there are changes to how you renew your BSA membership and how your pack recharters? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss these changes and share tips for helping Cub Scout families understand the process. Join us live with your questions!
4/5/2024Program Updates: Den & Pack Meeting Planning
The Cub Scout program updates will make it simple to plan fun den and pack meetings. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll take a look at new resources and tools designed to make planning easier for leaders.
3/22/2024Creating a Pack Budget
Creating a pack budget makes it easier to plan your Cub Scout activities. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss best practices for handling your pack’s money and share helpful budgeting ideas.
3/15/2024Advantages of Spring Recruiting
Spring is a great time to welcome new Cub Scouts to your pack. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss the advantages of spring recruiting and share some strategies for making it successful.
3/8/2024Planning Fun Summertime Pack Activities
With warm weather and no school, summertime is a great time for Cub Scouting! In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss fun ways to keep your pack active during the summer. Comment to share your favorite activities!
3/1/2024New Cub Scout Handbooks and Leader Resources
The new Cub Scout Handbooks look amazing! We’ll get a sneak peek in this #CubChatLive, plus details about the new digital resources that’ll make it fun, simple and easy to plan den meetings.
2/23/2024Tapping Into Local Council Resources
Your local council is built to help your pack thrive! In this #CubChatLive, we’ll look at the wide variety of resources that a council has to offer brand-new packs, long-running packs, and everything in between.
2/16/2024Annual Planning Prepares Your Pack For a Fun-Filled Year
Annual planning prepares your pack for a fun-filled year! In this #CubChatLive, we’ll look at simple and effective ways to map out your Cub Scouts’ year and cover how to incorporate this summer’s program updates into your plans.
2/9/2024How Your Community Can Inspire and Engage Your Cub Scouts
Your Cub Scout pack has a symbiotic relationship with your community. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss how you can recruit members of your community to inspire and engage your Cub Scouts, and how your pack, in turn, can serve your community.
2/2/2024Coming Updates to the Webelos and Arrow of Light Programs
The Webelos and Arrow of Light programs are about to get significant updates. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll dig deeper into how Cub Scouts will earn these badges of rank starting this summer.
1/30/2024All About the Cub Scout Program Updates
All about the exciting Cub Scout program updates, plus an exclusive sneak peek at the new handbooks during #CubChatLive Primetime.
1/26/2024How to Make Your Den Meetings Fun!
A fun den meeting = happy Cub Scouts! In this #CubChatLive, the founder of the popular “Cub Scout Ideas” site shares her tips to make your den meetings a blast (and unmissable)!
1/23/2024Cub Scout Program Updates Webinar on #CubChatLive Primetime
Missed us last week? We’re back LIVE to discuss the exciting Cub Scout program updates that go into effect this summer. Join #CubChatLive in prime time as we talk about all of it.
1/19/202450 Fun Themes for Your Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet
Need ideas for your next blue and gold banquet? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share 50 fun themes, plus tips for making the most of this annual Cub Scout celebration.
1/16/2024 Cub Scout Program Updates Webinar on #CubChatLive Primetime
The Cub Scout program is getting some exciting updates that go into effect this summer. Join the crew of #CubChatLive for a prime-time event in which we talk about all of it!
1/12/2024New Cub Scout Adventures & Awards Reimagined
How will the new Adventures in the Cub Scout program updates make den meetings more fun, simple and easy? Find out in this episode of #CubChatLive.
12/15/2023Cub Scout program updates Q&A with the experts
Q&A with the experts: Let’s talk about Cub Scout program updates with the Cub Scouting chair and national director. LIVE from Sea Base!
12/8/2023Planning a fun Pinewood Derby
It’s Pinewood Derby (planning) season! This annual race is a highlight of the Cub Scout year. In this episode of #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss ideas and tips to help you put on a Pinewood Derby that’s fun for everyone.
12/1/2023Making the most of the new Bobcat Adventures
Bobcat updates are coming to the Cub Scout program next summer. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll do a deep dive into the new Bobcat Adventures and share ideas for how Cub Scout leaders can make the most of this important Adventure!
11/17/2023How the Cub Scout committee uses research, surveys and data to make program decisions
Updating the Cub Scout program is not something that is taken lightly. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll go behind the scenes and find out how the Cub Scout committee uses research, surveys and data to make sure the program continues to provide parents and kids what they want.
11/10/2023Join us as we officially reveal the updates to the Cub Scout program!
It’s time for a huge announcement! On this week’s #CubChatLive, join us as we officially reveal the updates to the Cub Scout program that go into effect next year. This is one episode you won’t want to miss!
11/3/2023Awarding sooner keeps Cub Scouts engaged and excited!
On this #CubChatLive, Cub Chat Mike and Aaron cover how immediate recognition benefits your pack! Don’t know exactly what that means? This ep is for you!
10/20/2023How Scoutbook can help keep your Cub Scout pack organized
Scoutbook makes it easier to keep your Cub Scout pack organized. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll be joined by a Scoutbook project manager to learn more about this helpful tool.
10/13/2023How can packs best use the website? is one of the best ways for families to find your pack. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll learn how packs can update their information on the Be A Scout website. Plus, we’ll get an expert’s tips on what to do when families reach out for more information.
10/6/2023Welcoming new leaders to Cub Scouts
How can you help new leaders succeed in your pack? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll chat about ways to welcome volunteers and share ideas for ensuring that they have a great experience in Cub Scouts.
9/29/2023How to connect with your community through parades and other events
Many packs connect with their community through parades and other events. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss ways to increase community interaction and visibility for your Cub Scouts.
9/22/2023Planning For a Fun and Successful Pack Meeting
Successful pack meetings start with a good plan. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share ideas and talk with an expert about being prepared for your next pack meeting.
9/15/2023Updated Cub Scout Camping Guidelines
Cub Scout packs can now camp up to two consecutive nights. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll talk to the expert about these updated camping guidelines and share ideas for fun and safe overnight activities.
9/1/2023How to Recharter Your Cub Scout Pack
Let’s talk recharter! Rechartering is when units officially renew their membership with the BSA. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll talk about how this annual process works and how to make it as simple as possible for your Cub Scout pack.
8/25/2023Ideas for Cub Scout Joining Night
Need ideas for Cub Scout joining night? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll chat with an expert about ways to make your recruitment event a success.
8/18/2023What Do Parents Want From Cub Scouting?
What do parents want from Cub Scouting? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll take a deep dive into the latest research and share ideas for using this data to strengthen our dens and packs.
8/11/2023How to Resolve Conflicts in Your Den or Pack
Disagreements are a part of life, even in Cub Scouts. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll chat about friendly, courteous and kind strategies for resolving conflicts in your den or pack.
8/4/2023Changes to the BSA’s Fee Structure
The BSA is changing its fee structure. Tune into this episode of #CubChatLive to learn more about the decision and how it will work.
7/14/2023What research and data tells us about the Cub Scout program
The Cub Scout national leadership team does not enact changes to the program without spending a significant amount of time doing research and gathering data. Get a behind-the-scenes look at what they’ve learned from this process in today’s episode of #CubChatLive.
7/7/2023The National Summertime Pack Award
The National Summertime Pack Award goes to packs that are active when school is out for the summer. Learn how you can earn the award for your pack in this episode of #CubChatLive.
6/23/2023New, flexible options for forming Cub Scout dens!
On this #CubChatLive, we talk about the new policy on family dens and the possibilities that it opens up for your pack.
6/16/2023Finding Quality Cub Scout Leaders
A fun and effective Cub Scout program starts with a good leader. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll talk with an expert about the simple steps you can take to find and recruit Cub Scout leaders.
6/9/2023Safe Swim for Cub Scouts
Swimming is a summer highlight for many kids. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll talk to an expert about the Safe Swim Defense program and how it can help your Cub Scouts have a safe and fun experience in the water.
5/19/2023Safety Afloat: Keeping Cub Scouts Safe on the Water
Celebrate “National Wear Your Life Jacket at Work Day” by joining #CubChatLive for a fun and informative chat about safety on the water. We’ll dive into your questions and yes, we’ll be wearing our life jackets!
5/12/2023Why Do Cub Scouts Wear Uniforms?
Why do Cub Scouts wear uniforms? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss uniform facts and fictions, along with ways to encourage its use in your den and pack.
4/28/2023#CubChatLive talks Arbor Day and conservation
Happy Arbor Day! On this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss some conservation-themed activities available to Cub Scout families.
4/21/2023Learn about the “Protect Yourself Rules” preview adventure for Cub Scouts
For Child Abuse Prevention Month, #CubChatLive is joined by a child safety expert to discuss the “Protect Yourself Rules” preview adventure and the role that Cub Scout leaders and families can play in preventing abuse.
4/14/2023Where to Find Helpful Cub Scout Resources
Many resources are available to make a den leader’s job easier and more fun. In today’s #CubChatLive, we’ll share some of these tools and discuss how they can help you become a more effective Cub Scout leader.
3/31/2023Ideas for fun pack summertime programs
Make the most of your Cub Scout summer! In this #CubChatLive, we’ll talk to a volunteer with fun ideas for pack summertime programs.
3/24/2023What is an incident report and why is it important?
What is an incident report and why is it important? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss this vital tool and how to use it.
3/17/2023Springtime recruiting for Cub Scout packs
Spring is the perfect time to welcome new Cub Scouts to your pack! Join us for #CubChatLive, where we’ll be speaking with an experienced volunteer who will share her expert tips to help make your springtime recruiting a success.
3/10/2023Parent tips for moving from Webelos to Scouts BSA
The Webelos-to-Scouts-BSA transition can be an adjustment not only for kids, but for their parents, too. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll get ideas from an experienced volunteer on ways parents can best handle this big step in the Scouting journey.
3/3/2023How Den Leaders Can Help Webelos Make a Smooth Transition to Scouts BSA
Moving from Webelos to Scouts BSA is a big step in a Scout’s journey. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll talk to an experienced volunteer to get her ideas and practical tips to make the transition smoother for both kids and their parents.
2/24/2023How to Hold an Effective Pack Planning Conference
Holding a pack planning conference is one of the keys to an awesome Cub Scout program. Join us for this #CubChatLive, where we’ll talk to an experienced volunteer about easy and effective ways to make your planning conference a success.
2/17/2023How To Use Guest Speakers and Community Resources To Add Extra Fun to Your Pack Activities
Add extra fun to your pack activities with guest speakers and community resources. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share ideas for finding and bringing in the right “outside talent” to help inspire and engage your Cub Scouts.
2/10/2023What are your den meeting hacks?
What are your den meeting hacks? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share ideas for getting people to show up on time, keeping Cub Scouts on task, engaging parents at meetings and more.
2/3/2023Can new Cub Scouts join a den halfway through the year?
Can new Cub Scouts join a den halfway through the year? Yes!!! During this #CubChatLive, we will discuss the best ways to make new families feel welcome and included in the pack, even if they join mid-year.
1/27/2023Leaders Learning Journey — Beyond “Trained Leaders”
A great Cub Scout leader never stops learning. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss all the advantages of going beyond just the basics.
1/20/2023How to tap into local council resources
Your local council can be one of your pack’s greatest resources! With 272 BSA councils across the country, yours can help with questions about the Cub Scout program, activities, fundraising and more! Learn about the resources available at your local council in this #CubChatLive.
1/13/2023Tips and Ideas for Springtime Fundraising
Need ideas for spring fundraising? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share tips that your pack can use to raise money for an amazing year-round program.
1/6/2023JTE 2023: Planning a Quality Year!
What’s JTE and how can it help my pack? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share simple tips for using the Journey to Excellence program to plan a quality year.
12/16/2022How to Plan a Cub Scout Service Project
Cub Scout service projects can be both meaningful and fun. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll look at five simple steps for planning an awesome pack service project.
12/9/2022Fun and Creative Blue and Gold Ideas
It’s almost blue and gold season! In today’s #CubChatLive, we’ll share some fun and creative themes to help celebrate Scouting’s birthday. Join us and share your ideas in the comments!
12/2/2022Keeping it SAFE in Cub Scouting
Staying SAFE in Scouting. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share an easy checklist you can use to make sure your den and pack activities are conducted safely.
11/18/2022Fun and Safe Winter Activities for Cub Scouts
It may be getting colder, but the excitement of Cub Scouting doesn’t need to stop when temperatures drop. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll chat with an experienced volunteer about her ideas for fun, safe and easy winter activities.
11/4/2022Ideas for Large Pack Events That are Fun, Easy and Simple
Big pack events can be super fun for Cub Scouts. In this #CubChatLive, we want YOUR great ideas for large pack activities.
10/28/2022How Can We Help New Cub Scout Leaders Succeed?
How can we help new Cub Scout leaders succeed? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss easy ways to welcome and support new unit leaders so your pack stays strong.
10/21/2022How to Identify and Recruit Strong Leaders for your Den or Pack
Cub Scout dens and packs can only thrive with strong adult leadership. But how do you find those leaders? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss simple strategies for identifying and recruiting the right adult volunteers.
10/14/2022How Can Cub Scout Packs Build Stronger Relationships With Other Units?
Packs and troops both benefit when they work together. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss ways that your pack can build stronger relationships with troops and packs in your area.
10/7/2022Tips for Planning a Fun and Successful Campout for Your Pack’s Families
Let’s go camping!!! In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share tips for planning a fun and successful campout for your pack’s families.
9/30/2022What Do Your Den Meetings Look Like?
What do your den meetings look like? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll look at creative den set-ups, ideal spaces and the ways to get your meeting’s layout just right.
9/23/2022What Do Parents Want and How Can Pack Leaders Deliver It?
Survey says! What do parents like about Cub Scouts? And how can leaders use this information to welcome new families into their pack? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll delve into the research and find out!
9/16/2022How To Handle Growing Pains in Your Pack
A bigger pack is exciting, but it comes with its own challenges, too. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share ideas to handle the inevitable growing pains as we welcome all these new Cub Scouts and their families.
9/9/2022How to Handle a Growing Pack
My pack just grew … A TON! Now what do I do?!? In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss four easy steps you can take to welcome all those new Cub Scouts and their families.
8/26/2022How to Become a Trained Cub Scout Leader
Cub Scout Leaders: You have the power to change lives! A trained leader is a make-or-break part of a Cub Scout’s experience. And the good news is it’s simpler than ever to get trained! In this #CubChatLive, we’ll talk all about Cub Scout Position Specific Training and tell you how to earn that coveted Trained patch.
8/19/2022How to Build a Strong Pack Community
Packs work best when all of the families in them feel welcome. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll talk with a seasoned cubmaster about building a healthy pack community.
8/12/2022Cub Scout Advancement Overview Resource Sheet
Rank advancement is a fun and important part of the Cub Scout program. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll introduce a new “at-a-glance” resource to make advancement easier to understand.
8/5/2022Rich Resources for Den Leaders
Lots of tools and rich resources are available to make a den leader’s job easier and more fun. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share some of these resources, plus we’ll unveil our new leader resource overview sheet.
7/29/2022How to Form New Dens in Your Cub Scout Pack
Forming new dens is an essential part of a growing, healthy Cub Scout pack. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share strategies for finding and training new den leaders.
7/22/2022Where to Find Recruiting Resources in the BSA Brand Center
As you try to recruit new members to your pack this fall, one of the best resources available is the one you might not know about. In this #CubChatLive, we discuss the BSA Brand Center — what it is, how you can access it, and all the ways you can use it to help your pack grow.
7/15/2022Tips and Ideas For Joining Nights and Other Cub Scout Recruiting Events
Joining nights and other recruiting events are easy ways to grow Cub Scouting. In this #CubChatLive, an expert shares tips and best practices to ensure your pack’s sign-up night is a success.
7/8/2022Update Your BeAScout Pin To Help Parents Find Your Pack
Updating your pack’s BeAScout pin is an easy way to help parents find your pack. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll show you around the website and share best practices for making it a useful tool.
6/24/2022Friends Invite Friends – The Power of Informal Recruiting in Cub Scouting
One of the best and easiest ways to recruit new Cub Scouts is through informal, one-on-one recruiting. In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss the benefits of “Friends Inviting Friends” to join in pack and den activities.
6/10/2022How Internet Etiquette and Safety Are Built Into the Cub Scout Program
Internet etiquette and safety are built into the Cub Scout program. In this episode of #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss ways to teach online safety to your den and pack.
6/3/2022How Can JTE Help Your Pack Better Serve Its Families?
Journey to Excellence is one of the BSA’s best tools to help packs plan their annual programs. We discuss what’s new for 2022, and how JTE can help your pack better serve its families.
5/20/2022Confidently Including Special Needs at Cub Camp
Can a Cub Scout who has a disability or special need go camping? Absolutely! In this episode of #CubChatLive, find out how to help Cub Scouts of all abilities have a life-changing, awesome time at camp.
5/13/2022How a Unit Commissioner Can Help Your Pack Succeed
Your unit commissioner is a valuable resource that can help your pack succeed.
In this #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss the role of a unit commissioner and how you can effectively use their expertise in your pack.
5/6/2022Answers to Frequently Asked Cub Scout Questions on Social Media (Part 2)
As we scroll through social media, we’ve noticed some more frequently asked questions about Cub Scouts. In this episode of #CubChatLive, we’ll answer a few of them.
4/29/2022Keeping Your Pack and Den Active During the Summer
Keep the Cub Scout fun going all summer! In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share ways to plan fun and easy summertime activities for your pack and den. Join us with your ideas!
4/22/2022Cub Scout Leader Extravaganza at the Philmont Training Center
Ready for adventure? In this #CubChatLive, special guest Dennis Kampa discusses the Philmont Training Center and the Cub Scout Leader Extravaganza Week scheduled for July 24-30.
4/8/2022The Dollars and Cents of Cub Scouts
A healthy pack needs smart budgeting. In today’s #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss the dollars and cents of Cub Scouting.
4/1/2022Fun Ideas for Cub Scout Crafts!
Cub Scout crafts are fun! In this #CubChatLive, we’ll share photos of craft ideas sent to us by our audience. Plus, we’ll talk about best practices to make these projects even more enjoyable for parents and kids.
3/25/2022Recruiting and Retaining Cub Scout Volunteers and Avoiding Burnout
How do you keep the Scouting Spirit and avoid burnout? How can you recruit and retain Cub Scout volunteers and make sure everyone is having fun? We’ll answer these important questions in today’s #CubChatLive!
3/18/2022Which Cub Scout adventures are being retired and which are here to stay?
How do we keep Cub Scouts relevant to today’s packs and families? Why do electives get retired? Which ones are here to stay and which will be retired this year? We’ve got all the answers in this week’s #CubChatLive!
3/11/2022Why it’s a great idea to recruit new Tigers in the spring
Recruiting new Tigers in the spring is a great way to grow your pack. But more than that, it makes your job as a leader easier. Learn how in today’s #CubChatLive.
3/4/2022What are the advantages of recruiting new Cub Scouts in the spring?
Springtime is a great time to invite new Cub Scouts to join your pack. In today’s #CubChatLive, we’ll get an expert’s take on the advantages of recruiting in the spring.
2/25/2022Frequently Asked Questions on Social Media About Cub Scouting (Part 1)
As we scroll through social media, we’ve noticed some frequently asked questions about Cub Scouts. In this episode of #CubChatLive, we’ll answer a few of them.
2/18/2022What Are “District” or “Council” Events?
What are “District” or “Council” events? And what makes these events different and special compared to pack or den events? Join us as we discuss these fun local opportunities.
2/11/2022How to Prepare Your Arrow of Light Scouts For Scouts BSA
Are your Arrow of Light Scouts ready for Scouts BSA? In this episode of #CubChatLive, we’ll discuss best methods to get your 5th grade Cub Scouts (and their parents!) ready to cross over into Scouts BSA.
2/04/2022Great Ideas for Blue and Gold Banquets
Your creativity amazes us! Here are some of our favorite themes and ideas for Blue and Gold events.
1/28/2022Ideas for Communicating With Your Pack
What’s going on? In this episode, we share ideas for communicating with your pack in a way that keeps everyone informed.
1/21/20225 Things You Need to Run a Parent/Committee Meeting
Preparation is key for parent/committee meetings. Here are 5 things to help you run an effective meeting.
1/14/2022Planning Fun, Simple and Easy Pack Activities
Do you have a pack activity that everyone loves? In this week’s episode, we’ll talk about fun, simple and easy pack activities.
1/7/2022How to Plan a Fun and Active Pack Meeting
The best pack meetings are fun and active! In this episode, we discuss ideas to think about as you plan your next pack meeting.
12/10/2021How to Plan a Fun and Memorable Pinewood Derby Race Day
It’s time to start planning for Pinewood Derby race day! In this episode, we share some ideas to help leaders Be Prepared to run a fun and memorable race.
12/3/2021Fun Cold-Weather Activities for Cub Scouts
When it comes to Cub Scout winter outings, don’t get left out in the cold! In today’s episode, we talk about fun cold-weather activities.
11/19/2021Working With Cub Scouts Who Have Special Needs or Disabilities
Cub Scouting is for everyone! In this episode, we talk about working with Cub Scouts who have special needs or disabilities.
11/12/2021The Best Indoor Cub Scout Games
Loud but not too loud. Energetic but not too energetic. In this episode, we’ll discuss what makes a good indoor game for Cub Scouts.
10/29/20215 Things That Everyone Needs to Know About the NEW Recharter
In this episode, we’ll chat with a rechartering expert about five things that everyone needs to know about the rechartering their pack.
10/22/2021The Chartered Partner Relationship
What is this chartered partner I keep hearing about? In this episode, we’ll talk about the chartered partner relationship and how to develop a mutually beneficial partnership.
10/15/2021How to Track Cub Scout Advancement
In this episode, find out what tools are available to help you track advancement and ensure your unit is prepared for a great year!
9/24/2021Helping New Parents Get Comfortable With Camping
Camping rocks! In today’s #CubChatLive, we’ll talk about ways to help new Cub Scout parents get comfortable with camping.
9/17/2021Putting the FUN into Fundraising
In today’s #CubChatLive, we will cover the basic rules of unit fundraising and share proven techniques for Cub Scout packs.
9/10/2021Cub Scouting in the Outdoors
Being outdoors is one of the methods of Scouting. Here’s how we can make that happen.
8/27/2021Yo-Yos and Cub Scouts
It’s not just a recruitment tool but a toy your Cub Scouts already love! Yes, we’re talking yo-yos with the experts!
8/20/2021How to Recruit a New Den Leader
Recruiting a new Den Leader doesn’t have to be difficult. In this episode, we’ll discuss easier ways to find volunteers to lead your dens.
8/13/2021Where to Find Parent and Den Leader Resources
We’ve got your back! Let’s take a look at the resources and support available to parents and den leaders!
8/6/2021Finding New Pack Volunteers
Get new volunteers in your pack! Today we’re discussing ways to find the perfect role for every parent and volunteer in your unit, from small volunteer spots to heftier leader positions.
7/30/2021How to Welcome New Families to Your Pack
In today’s #CubChatLive, we’ll share ways to welcome new families and get them involved in your pack.
7/23/2021Recruiting Materials and the BSA Brand Center
Flyers and yard signs for your neighborhood; photos and videos for social media! Here’s how easy it is to use the BSA’s Brand Center to create recruiting materials for your pack.
7/16/2021Recruiting New Tigers
Recruiting new Tigers (and their parents!) is one of the best ways to grow your pack. Today we’ll share strategies for inviting and welcoming new Tigers to Cub Scouts.
7/9/20215 Big Thoughts for Your Pack’s Joining Event
Five things you need to know when planning your join Scouting recruiting night! (You won’t believe No. 3!)
6/25/2021Building Positive School Relationships
Both packs and schools benefit when they work together. In today’s #CubChatLive, we’ll share tips for building positive relationships with schools in your neighborhood.
6/18/2021Meet the New Vice Chair of Cub Scouts
Audrey Oakes joins the show to share more about her role, the future of Cub Scouts and to answer your questions about the program.
6/11/2021Why Do YOU Volunteer?
Tell us why you volunteer as a leader.
6/4/2021Aquatics for Cub Scouts
Summertime is the best time to get in the water! In this episode of #CubChatLive, find out which aquatics activities are fun, safe and appropriate for Cub Scouts.
5/21/2021Summer of Service
In today’s #CubChatLive, we’ll brainstorm opportunities for Cub Scouts to be involved in the BSA’s huge Summer of Service.
5/14/2021Retiring Elective Cub Scout Adventures
Every year, the Cub Scout Adventures are reviewed to make sure they are still relevant to today’s families. In this episode of #CubChatLive, we’ll talk about 19 Cub Scout Elective Adventures that will be retired in 2022, and why.
5/7/2021Family Adventure Camp
Family Adventure Camp is for everyone! In today’s #CubChatLive, we’ll discover some of the fun activities available for Cub Scouts at Philmont Scout Ranch, Florida Sea Base and the Summit Bechtel Reserve.
4/30/2021Summertime Activities for Cub Scouts
Summertime is a great time for Cub Scouting. In today’s #CubChatLive, we’ll share ideas to help your den and pack stay active throughout the summer.
4/23/2021The National Cub Scouting Committee
Your Cub Scout pack has a committee that helps ensure a quality program. Did you know that there’s also a National Cub Scouting Committee, made up of volunteers just like you?
4/16/2021Why Did They Decide to Do That?
In this episode of #CubChatLive, we talk about the research that’s used to make data-driven decisions about the Cub Scouting program.
4/9/2021Spring Recruiting Made Easy
In today’s #CubChatLive, we’ll share proven techniques for inviting new families to join Cub Scouts during springtime.
3/26/2021Big News!
Big news in Cub Scouting! What is it? Join us today on #CubChatLive for the announcement from Anthony Berger, the national director of Cub Scouting.
3/19/2021Ceremonies and Celebrations
Today we’ll talk about rank advancement, cross-over and bridging ceremonies and celebrations.
3/12/2021Communicating with Families
Email? Text? Social media? Carrier pigeon?!? What’s the best way to communicate with families in your pack or den? In today’s #CubChatLive, we’ll share strategies for effective communication in your unit.
3/5/2021Overcoming Challenges
Things don’t always go perfect when you’re running a Cub Scout pack. In today’s #CubChatLive, we’ll share strategies for overcoming challenges in your unit.
2/26/2021Advancement During a Pandemic
How does your pack handle advancement during a pandemic? On today’s #CubChatLive!, we’ll share ideas for encouraging Cub Scout advancement, including ways to extend it beyond the school year.
2/12/2021Creating a Pack Community
Your pack is more than just a group of people. It is a community. In today’s Cub Chat Live, we’ll share ideas for strengthening your pack community to make Cub Scouting more fun for both parents and youth.
2/5/2021Blue and Gold Ideas
Virtual Blue & Gold Ideas! Need inspiration for this year’s Blue & Gold? In today’s Cub Chat Live, we’re looking for your ideas to make the annual Cub Scout celebration a success.
1/29/2021All About Scoutbook
Let’s talk Scoutbook! In today’s Cub Chat Live, we’ll discuss Scoutbook’s Den Leader Experience and how it can make it easier and more fun to plan den meetings.
1/22/2021Virtual Den Meeting Fest
Need inspiration for virtual den meetings? In today’s Cub Chat Live, we’re sharing 25 ideas to make your virtual gatherings more fun and effective.
1/15/2021The Den Meeting
The den meeting is the heart of the Cub Scout program. In today’s Cub Chat Live, we’ll share ideas for making your den meetings more fun, more exciting, and more productive.
1/8/2021Pinewood Derby
Can you safely conduct a Pinewood Derby race during a pandemic? Yes you can! In today’s Cub Chat Live, we’ll share ideas for making this year’s Pinewood Derby safe and fun for everyone.
12/18/2020Recognizing Your Scouts
How are you recognizing your Scouts? Has your method changed during the pandemic? Let’s talk keeping Cub Scouts engaged and growing in the program!
12/11/2020Immediate Recognition
Are you recognizing your Cub Scouts the right way? In today’s Cub Chat Live, we’ll talk about why it’s a better idea to present belt loops and pins right away instead of waiting until the next pack meeting.