Use these videos from the BSA Brand Center to market your unit or council online

Short, fun videos are a great way to capture people’s attention online.

The only problem is, they require someone with a good eye to film, and someone with some level of technical proficiency to edit them.

Videos like that don’t just make themselves. … Or, do they?!? (Cue dramatic music.)

Not only is the BSA Brand Center the best source for flyers and photos that you can use to promote your unit, it’s also your source for fully edited, ready-to-go videos that can be customized for your unit or council.

Click here to go straight to the videos.

Keep reading for a sample of our favorites …

“Cub Scout Frame of Mind”

This 55-second clip shows a Cub Scout-age youth holding a picture frame that magically shows off a lot of the great activities kids do in Cub Scouts.

“Scout Oath and Law”

In this 35-second clip, a variety of male and female Scouts of different ages recite the Scout Oath and Law, with a few fun additions.

“Summer Camp”

This understated 24-second clip shows nothing but two Scouts getting into their canoe and heading off for adventure. It’s designed to promote an announcement about signing up for summer camp.


This 1-minute video is all about sustainability and conservation. “Scouting was green when green was just a color.” This one is sure to appeal to the increasing number of green-minded youth and families out there.


This 59-second video is designed to be part of a fundraising campaign. It shows Scouts participating in a variety of service projects, and also features testimony from a Scouts BSA mom about what the program means to her.

Additionally, the National Service Center’s marketing department has produced two specific Friends of Scouting videos designed for customization. To date, more than 50 councils have used this service to produce more than 150 customized videos for FOS fundraising.

How can I use these videos for my unit?

You’ll note that many of the videos end with a card that reads “your council name here.” That could just as easily say “your unit number here.”

The National Service Center will add text to a closing screen at no cost to you. That’s right! It’s absolutely free.

Send them an email with a Brand Center link (not a YouTube link) to the video you’d like for them to customize, along with your unit number and, if you’d like, a link to your unit’s website or social media page.

Please allow 3-5 days for your video to be finished.

Click here to peruse the entire video collection in the Brand Center.

What else is in the Brand Center?

The Brand Center is your source for BSA logos, photographs, promotional videos and templates you can use to promote your Scouting unit. And all of it is free. Creating a username and password will give you access to additional features, but even that isn’t required.

Focus groups conducted by the BSA’s National Council have shown that while most families who aren’t involved in Scouting have a positive overall impression of the BSA’s programs, most of them also have no idea if there’s a BSA unit nearby.

That’s why doing what you can to promote your unit to families at your school, place of worship or neighborhood can be a total gamechanger when it comes to growing Scouting.

About Aaron Derr 517 Articles
Aaron Derr is the senior editor of Scout Life and Scouting magazines, and also a former Cubmaster and Scouts BSA volunteer.