Add the BSA Brand Center to your list of tools for marketing your unit

There are lots of effective ways to market your unit to the families in your community.

Whether you prefer the old-school brochure or the fancy new social media asset — or maybe a little bit of both — the BSA Brand Center is here to help.

“Years ago, we said, ‘We need a place where people can find copies of logos, flyers … all that marketing and promotional stuff that we need to spread the word about Scouting,” says Michael Ramsey, the BSA’s director of marketing and brand management. “So, we created the BSA Brand Center.”

The Brand Center is your source for BSA logos, photographs, promotional videos and templates you can use to promote your Scouting unit. And all of it is free. Creating a username and password will give you access to additional features, but even that isn’t required.

Ramsey recently stopped by #CubChatLive to discuss all the benefits of using the BSA Brand Center to promote your unit to families in your community. Watch our conversation in full below and read on for the highlights.

So … many … assets

Focus groups conducted by the BSA’s National Council have shown that while most families who aren’t involved in Scouting have a positive overall impression of the BSA’s programs, most of them also have no idea if there’s a BSA unit nearby.

That’s why doing what you can to promote your unit to families at your school, place of worship or neighborhood can be a total gamechanger when it comes to growing Scouting.

Looking for an official BSA logo to slap onto a flier you’ve already created? The Brand Center has that.

Looking for a 7-second promotional video you can share on your unit’s Facebook page? The Brand Center has that, too.

Looking for a photo of a Scouting activity that you can use for any Scouting-related purpose you can think of? The Brand Center has you covered.

Here’s one example of how you can make the Brand Center work for you:

Let’s say your Cub Scout unit is really into archery. You can search the Brand Center for photos that show kids participating in archery. And you can narrow it down by age, BSA program and gender.

Now substitute “archery” for whatever Scout activity you like, and you’re getting the idea of what the Brand Center can do for you.

“It’s a resource hub,” Ramsey says, “and a collection of stuff you can download.”

An example of the categories of assets available at the BSA Brand Center

Officially authorized

Yes, you can find things like merit badge logos through a simple Google search, but how do you know they’re the most recent, official, BSA-approved merit badge logo? Only if you get it from the Brand Center.

There are lots of out-of-date Cub Scout logos floating around the internet. Use the ones on the Brand Center to make sure you’re always official.

The Brand Center has assets for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Exploring, Venturing and Sea Scouts. There are also photos and graphics that will help you promote popular Scouting events, such as Pinewood Derby, summer camp and the National Scout Jamboree.

The Brand Center is one of several resources available at the BSA’s Recruitment Resources hub. You’ll also find a social media calendar containing suggested dates and topics you can use to promote Scouting, a recruiting campaign kit you can use to invite families to join your unit, and a link to the BSA’s 2022 Marketing Boot Camp video.

About Aaron Derr 526 Articles
Aaron Derr is the senior editor of Scout Life and Scouting magazines, and also a former Cubmaster and Scouts BSA volunteer.