“A happy mountaineer always pees clear.” That simple, off-color rhyme does its job by reminding Scouts, Scouters, and other outdoor lovers about the importance of proper hydration. It stems, of course, from the fact that
Whenever a new merit badge comes out, a handful of well-meaning volunteers usually ask that question. “If you’re adding Welding merit badge,” they write, “which one will you take away?” For me, though, the beauty
UPDATE (June 29): While the viewing period for the sneak preview clip is now over, stay tuned to Bryan on Scouting for more details on the show as soon as I get them! If seeing is
The May-June “Where Am I?” contest was tough, judging from the relatively small number of guesses. Only 315 entries were received, compared to 666 in the March-April contest. Many readers guessed “Arches National Park.” However,
If your son told you tomorrow that he’s thinking of leaving Scouting, what would you say? For “Dave,” a concerned parent from an East Coast troop, that’s no hypothetical question. The parent, whose name I
Most of my best memories from summer camp involved the water. Where else but Camp Cherokee’s epic waterfront could I swim, canoe with my friends, or sit on a massive airbag called “the blob” and
For Scouts who read Boys’ Life (and the Scouters who steal their son’s copy), the BSA’s premier monthly magazine for youth can’t come soon enough. Take some of the sting out of waiting with the
Have you ever slept 300 feet underground? Stood atop a 14,000-foot peak? Created a robot? The BSA is betting those questions and other enticing messages will help bring prospective members to your Venturing crew. It’s
Want to get your unit’s recruiting up to speed? Consider hauling your “Join Scouting” message everywhere your pack, troop, team, or crew travels. Start by taking a page from Canton, Ohio, Troop 4’s playbook, which