Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers collected gently used shoes for Soles4Souls, a global nonprofit that delivers shoes to children and adults in need.
Let’s look at the Eagle Scout Class of 2016 by the numbers, including average age, a state-by-state breakdown and the number of service hours recorded.
Chapter 6 of Scouts Then and Now includes more before-and-after photos that show the transformative power of Scouting. Scouting really does change lives.
I present to you my big discovery: this list of the five merit badges that come in handy when you find seven Earth-size planets only 40 light years away.
LDS Commissioner Orientation, a new training module for commissioners that work with LDS units, is now online. Complete the free course in just 13 minutes.
Five Rivers Council officials say Betty Hess might be the only still-active volunteer to have received both the Silver Beaver and the Silver Fawn Awards.