Happy mountaineers: Create a hydration slogan, win a limited-edition water bottle

Fewer than 100 of these water bottles were produced, and they aren’t sold in stores. Win one of 10 I’m giving away by entering below!

“A happy mountaineer always pees clear.”

That simple, off-color rhyme does its job by reminding Scouts, Scouters, and other outdoor lovers about the importance of proper hydration.

It stems, of course, from the fact that urine color is an excellent indicator of your hydration level.

Face it: It’s easy to forget about drinking water when you’re having fun in the sun with your pack, troop, team, or crew. By the time you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.

That’s why you should consult this BSA-produced heat index and urine color chart (PDF), which can be printed and distributed to the members of your unit. It’ll tell you how much water you need and whether you’re dehydrated.

Another great way to keep hydration in mind? A catchy slogan.

Think you have one? If so, you could win a limited-edition water bottle! Read on to learn how. 

Write a slogan, win a water bottle!

Along with Richard Bourlon, health and safety team lead, I’m giving away 10 “Hydrate or Die”/BSA Health and Safety water bottles made by Camelbak. The bright-orange, BPA-free bottles are brand new and aren’t sold in stores. Only 100 of them were produced.

In other words, the only way to get one is right here.

To win one, you’ll need to come up with a hydration slogan. You can’t use any of these famous slogans:

  • “A happy mountaineer always pees clear; an unhappy fellow always pees yellow.”
  • “Drink, pee, no IV.”
  • “If your urine’s dark, you’ve missed the mark.”

Your slogan doesn’t necessarily have to be uh, bathroom-related, but it should…

  • Be short, clever, and original
  • Be easy to remember
  • Serve as a good reminder about hydration
Other rules:
  • To enter, you must be a registered BSA volunteer adult leader or registered Scout.
  • The contest ends Monday, July 9, 2012 at noon (Central).
  • Only one slogan per person. So make it your best!

After the deadline, Health and Safety committee members will pick their 10 favorite slogans, and each of those Scouters or Scouts will be sent a water bottle. I’ll post the winners’ names and slogans here on Bryan on Scouting.

And who knows? One day your slogan might end up on a water bottle!

Enter here:

Sorry, the deadline has passed! Stay tuned for the winning slogans!

Photos by Marcie Rodriguez/BSA

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.