Help Scouts start their year strong with the first Scout Life issue of 2025

January Scout Life

Snow adventures, Scouting America’s 115th birthday, a reader’s dream roundup, Black history, cold-weather gear and, oh yeah, MORE snow.

If that sounds like too much midwinter goodness packed into one magazine, you’ve never checked out Scout Life’s January-February issue.

True to form, we’re bringing Scouts an inspiring and action-packed issue guaranteed to teach readers something new to kick off their year. And remember, Scout Life readers stay in Scouting three times longer than nonreaders. That means parents and volunteers have something to gain from the young people in their lives reading each issue (not to mention that everyone benefits from the jokes).

February is Black History Month

Did you know Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass were born in February? That’s partly why the month is dedicated to Black history. Young readers will learn about these forefathers of freedom along with more contemporary milestones in Black history by checking out the January-February Heads Up section.

Walk a mile in these Scouts’ (snow)shoes

Hiking makes frequent appearances in Scout Life. But when you add snow to the mix, you’ll see a hike from a whole new perspective.

Traversing 3.8 miles in snowshoes is no easy feat, nor is it easy on the feet. But Troop 280 was up for the challenge. Check out their story, featured inside and on the cover of Scout Life.Scout Life

Read about a Scout’s rafting trip … in his own words

Scouts actually write the stories on our Readers’ Page! In this issue, Grant R. shares the story of his troop’s setbacks and ultimate success in landing the river rafting trip of their dreams.

Celebrate Scouting America’s birthday

No 115-year-old has ever looked as good as Scouting America! Even with a storied legacy, the organization that brings you Scout Life is full of the vibrance of young people helping their communities and changing the world.

scouting america birthday

Help your Scouts celebrate the good they do and the continued mission of Scouting by highlighting the January-February issue in your next unit meeting.

You can find the full issue in your mailbox and in the Scout Life app now! Or subscribe to Scout Life today so you don’t miss out.

About Gina Circelli 58 Articles
Gina Circelli is the senior digital editor for Scout Life. She loves sharing news about Scouts who shake up pop culture or contribute to their communities in big ways.