What’s inside counts: Send me interior photos or plans of your troop trailer

There’s more to a Scout trailer than meets the eye.

Sure, a troop trailer with an eye-catching paint job or wrap — like the ones I featured in this post — can help recruit new Scouts and show onlookers that “Troop 123 is here.”

But these things aren’t just rolling billboards; their real purpose, of course, is storing and hauling gear. But the best troop trailers go one step further — they help the boys organize that gear so it’s easy to find everything after dark on a Friday night. Sure beats watching 20 boys dig through a pile of backpacks, bags, and patrol boxes.

A desire to organize his troop’s trailer prompted Ken, a former district executive and now “just a Dad” (his words) to send me this note: 

Hi Bryan,

Great blog on the photos of troop trailers! I have a follow-up idea for you: We’ve seen some great trailer EXTERIORS . . . How ’bout we see some INTERIOR photos? This would help determine some best practices for those like us here in Troop 1332 who are planning trailer build-outs!!

Great idea, Ken. So how about it? Send me photos, sketches, or blueprints of the inside of your troop’s trailer to onscouting@scouting.org, subject line “Troop trailer insides.”

For example …

At the top of this post is a photo of Hewitt, Texas, Troop 377’s trailer empty. Here it is full:


Related post

Nine tips to prevent troop trailer theft

Photos from Flickr:  Some rights reserved by cmiked

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.