Photo Fridays: National Scout Jamborees (18 photos)

If you had a time machine, you could set the date to 07-15-13, and the 2013 National Scout Jamboree would start today.

Unfortunately, though, the big Summit event is less than a year away. (Click here to learn more and register!)

In the meantime, let’s instead travel back in time to past national jamborees by checking out 18 photos sent in by real Scouters like you.

Jamborees” is the latest in my Photo Fridays series, a feature that highlights real photos from real Scouters like you. We’ve already seen Cub Scout FunHigh AdventureFunny MomentsGreat Moments at Summer Camp, Scouts Doing Service Projects, and learned that Scouters Can Have Fun, Too.

The next Photo Friday topic: On/In the WaterE-mail your best shots to me, and include your name and home council.

First, let’s load up the Mr. Fusion and head back to 2010 (or 2005, in the case of one photo): 

Yep, that’s me (second from right) and the rest of the Arena Show staff at the 2005 jamboree. (Photo by Patrick Adams, Circle Ten)
Melissa Rozecki, Burlington County
John Duncan, Northeast Illinois
Jet Smith, Cherokee Area
Jason Pettis, Denver Area
Ed Bedford, Occoneechee Council
Ed Bedford, Occoneechee Council
Ed Bedford, Occoneechee Council
David “LOU” Salser, Bucktail Council
David “LOU” Salser, Bucktail Council
David “LOU” Salser, Bucktail Council
David “LOU” Salser, Bucktail Council
David “LOU” Salser, Bucktail Council
David “LOU” Salser, Bucktail Council
Barbara Hadley
Barbara Hadley
Barbara Hadley
John McCollum, Circle Ten Council

More great jamboree photos

Freelance photographer Aaron Huey covered the 2010 National Scout Jamboree for Scouting magazine. Don’t miss his excellent photos.

Next Photo Friday: “On/In the Water”

So much of Scouting happens on, near, or in the water. Send your best photos of water activities to me. Use the subject line “Photo Fridays,” and include your name and home council.

Previous Photo Fridays

  1. Cub Scout Fun
  2. High Adventure
  3. Funny Moments
  4. Great Moments at Summer Camp
  5. Scouters Can Have Fun, Too!
  6. Scouts Doing Service Projects

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.