Here’s something else for you to love about Fridays.
Photo Fridays, which debuted last week, showcases real photos from real Scouters.
Each week, the photos fit a different theme. This week it’s High Adventure, and the 29 photos below highlight a few of the many different kinds of adventure Scouts can have.
For next Friday, send me your photos of Funny Moments. There are several at each meeting or on on each trip, so share a laugh with your fellow Scouters!
E-mail me your photos with the subject line “PHOTO FRIDAYS: Funny Moments.” Be sure to include your name and home council.
Content is more important than quality. If it’s a cool photo, it doesn’t matter if it’s a little blurry or you took it with your old cameraphone. Just send it!
But first, enjoy these photos:
Week 2: High Adventure
Next week: Photos of Funny Moments
Previous Photo Fridays
(h/t to my first Scoutmaster, Patrick Adams, for the idea for Photo Fridays)
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