And now for something completely different.
Starting today and continuing for the next seven weeks, I’m introducing Photo Fridays here at Bryan on Scouting.
It’s simple, really. I give you a theme, and you e-mail me with photos that fit that theme. Thanks to Patrick Adams (my first Scoutmaster) for the idea.
By the way, I’m not looking for frame-worthy photography here. Any photo — from your smartphone or your fancy camera — will do, as long as it fits the theme and belongs to you.
Today’s theme is Cub Scout Fun, and the 21 photos below showcase the excitement of Scouting’s younger-boy program.
Next week’s theme
For next Friday, send me your photos of High Adventure. I’ll leave the exact definition of that vague for this purpose.
E-mail me your photos with the subject line “PHOTO FRIDAYS: High Adventure.” Be sure to include your name and home council.
Enjoy these photos!

Next week: High Adventure photos
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