Photo Fridays: Cub Scout Fun (21 photos)

And now for something completely different.

Starting today and continuing for the next seven weeks, I’m introducing Photo Fridays here at Bryan on Scouting.

It’s simple, really. I give you a theme, and you e-mail me with photos that fit that theme. Thanks to Patrick Adams (my first Scoutmaster) for the idea.

By the way, I’m not looking for frame-worthy photography here. Any photo — from your smartphone or your fancy camera — will do, as long as it fits the theme and belongs to you.

Today’s theme is Cub Scout Fun, and the 21 photos below showcase the excitement of Scouting’s younger-boy program.

Next week’s theme

For next Friday, send me your photos of High Adventure. I’ll leave the exact definition of that vague for this purpose.

E-mail me your photos with the subject line “PHOTO FRIDAYS: High Adventure.” Be sure to include your name and home council.

Enjoy these photos!

Robert Goodwin, Greater Alabama
Pam McLeod, Mobile Area
Steve Sarver, Three Fires
Roger Morgan, National Office
Mary Cabri Northeastern Pennsylvania
Jessica Scanlan Montana Council
Janice Corona Los Angeles Area
Ed Bedford, Occoneechee Council
Bryan Williams, Sequoyah Council
Brian Blouin, Gerald R. Ford
Roger Morgan, National Office
Pam McLeod, Mobile Area
Mary Cabri, Northeastern Pennsylvania
Janice Corona, Los Angeles Area
Ed Bedford, Occoneechee Council
Brian Blouin, Gerald R. Ford
Roger Morgan, National Office
Pam McLeod, Mobile Area
Mary Cabri, Northeastern Pennsylvania
Janice Corona, Los Angeles Area
Roger Morgan, National Office

Next week: High Adventure photos

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.