The registration windows for summer 2026 treks at the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve, Northern Tier National High Adventure Program and Sea Base open this week.
Starting Jan. 18, 2024, you and your Scouts can work toward landing a coveted trek at Philmont Scout Ranch, Summit Bechtel Reserve, Sea Base or Northern Tier, as national high-adventure base registration opens for 2025.
Welcome to High-Adventure Week on Aaron on Scouting! Our annual celebration of the BSA’s four national high-adventure bases gives a look at how and when to secure a spot for your Scouts. Today, we’re looking at Sea Base.
Each year, the Scout Life team looks forward to our special #TrekOnTuesday shows dedicated to the high-adventure bases. We’re preparing for our Oct. 24 show right now, and we’ve lined up some gear to give away
At the southernmost tip of our country lies a tropical paradise known as the Florida Keys. It’s the perfect place for a family vacation, and from October through April, the BSA has you covered.
Adventure is for everyone. Both Scouts and their families can now enjoy the amazing experiences Philmont Scout Ranch, Sea Base and the Summit Bechtel Reserve offer by attending Family Adventure Camp.