Every year, some outstanding projects are considered for a Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams Service Project of the Year Award with honors handed out to Scouts in every national service territory and one selected as the national winner.
Enabling success happens when you show the learner that they can do the skill themselves. But for continued success, the learner should have opportunities to keep using the skill.
There’s a solar eclipse coming in three months, and it’s going to be special. So special, in fact, that the BSA is offering a Total Eclipse 2024 Emblem to youth members who complete five simple requirements.
Rich Pfaltzgraff, a longtime volunteer with South Carolina’s Blue Ridge Council who has earned the BSA’s Silver Beaver Award and District Award of Merit, has been named the new president of the National Eagle Scout Association.
The purpose of the Scouts BSA board of review is to determine the quality of the Scout’s experience and decide whether the requirements to achieve the Scout’s next rank have been fulfilled. It is not,