How to connect with fellow alumni from Sea Base, SBR, Northern Tier or Philmont

Sea Base alumni pose at Sea Base

For many Scouters, a high-adventure base is like a second home.

Anyone who has spent time at Sea Base, the Summit Bechtel Reserve, Northern Tier or Philmont understands what I mean. These places change you, challenge you and build memories that stay with you for life. All these warm feelings are best shared with others.

That explains why each of the BSA’s four national high-adventure bases has an alumni association, empowering former participants, conference attendees or staff members to stay connected to these Scouting destinations.

Through online outlets and in-person gatherings, members share memories, make new friends and learn how they can help prepare their favorite high-adventure base for future generations.

The Sea Base Alumni and Friends Association and Northern Tier’s Charles L. Sommers Alumni Association offer memberships to anyone who wishes to support their efforts.

The Philmont Staff Association and Summit Bechtel Reserve Staff Association are for Scouts and Scouters who have served on staff at one of those high-adventure bases.

All four associations help you feel closer to these iconic Scouting destinations — even when you’re hundreds of miles from Florida, Minnesota, New Mexico or West Virginia.

Sea Base alumni pose at Sea Base

Sea Base Alumni and Friends Association

I’m share this post now because the Sea Base and Alumni and Friends Association is putting the finishing touches on planning for its big reunion this fall.

On the weekend of Oct. 11–13, 2019, anyone who has ever been affiliated with Sea Base is invited to the reunion. You’ll stay at the main facility in Islamorada, Fla., visit the Brinton Environmental Center, experience Big Munson Island, go scuba diving and discover a new favorite fishing spot.

It’s a chance to reconnect with old friends and make plenty of new ones. Registration closes on Sept. 22, so visit the official reunion site to make your plans ASAP.

Even if you can’t make the reunion on short notice, you’re still invited to join the association. Since its founding in 2010, the association has awarded thousands of dollars in scholarships to seasonal staff, organized various reunion efforts and served as a resource to expand the mission of Sea Base.

Open to: Those affiliated with the Florida Sea Base, including community members, friends, participants, volunteers and former staff.

Official site: Here.

Northern Tier alumni holding paddles

Charles L. Sommers Alumni Association (Northern Tier)

Members receive a newsletter, invitation to biennial “Rendezvous” reunions, access to equipment rentals and news about volunteer opportunities at Northern Tier, including the annual Alumni Work Week.

Open to: “Active Membership” is open to anyone who has served on the seasonal or permanent staff of any Northern Tier National High Adventure program and all current and former members of the Northern Tier High Adventure Committee. “Affiliate Membership” is open to all former adult crew advisors from any Northern Tier National High Adventure Program, and any adult (18 or older) who wishes to maintain a significant interest in the mission and success of Northern Tier.

Official site: Here.

Philmont Staff Association members pose at Philmont

Philmont Staff Association

Members receive a member directory, the High Country magazine, invitation to an annual reunion, trek opportunities and a vote on the governing board.

Open to: All former and current Philmont Staff (including Autumn Adventure and Kanik staff), Philmont Training Center instructors (including conference hosts and facilitators), Double H staff, and NJLIC and NAYLE staff for courses held at Philmont.

Official site: Here.

Members of the Summit Bechtel Reserve Staff Association pose at the 2015 National Annual Meeting

Summit Bechtel Reserve Staff Association

Members in the newest association on this list (chartered in 2014) receive updates about the Summit Bechtel Reserve, give scholarships to worthy Scouts and get invitations to SBR events.

Open to: Anybody who has served on the Summit Bechtel Reserve’s seasonal, Jamboree, Shakedown, training or full-time staff.

Official site: Here.

Scouting Alumni & Friends

Learn more about Scouting Alumni & Friends (formerly the Scouting Alumni Association).

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.