Emails that make Scouting more fun: Introducing BL BAM!


You’ve never seen an email newsletter like BL BAM!

It’s the first and only newsletter for Scouts.

No sales pitch. No lengthy reads. Just family-friendly jokes and electrifying how-tos brought to you by Boys’ Life. Read on to learn more, or jump ahead and sign up for BL BAM.

5 reasons Scouts and parents already love BL BAM!

If your Scouts have email addresses, you can feel safe knowing this newsletter is hitting their inboxes. Here’s why:

  1. BL BAM is packed with kid-safe, curated content from the team who knows what kids love. Boys’ Life has been on the ground with Scouts for more than a century. And, like always, we’re committed to meeting kids on their terms (whether that’s in print, on their social media feeds or in their inboxes).
  2. You heard us mention jokes at the top of this post. But it stands to be repeated just how many jokes we’ve got queued up to make your Scouts laugh. Honestly, we’ve got more jokes than your dad. Plus, each joke of the day is submitted by a Boys’ Life reader.
  3. Know how to make a mason-jar bird feeder? Or fold an origami X-wing Starfighter? Or tie a friendship knot? We do. And if your Scouts subscribe to BL BAM, they’ll learn, too, with help from step-by-step instructions tailored to all kinds of learning styles. Scouts even have chances to submit their finished creations to be featured on
  4. BL BAM aims to inspire creativity in every Scout! Getting your kids’ minds working is what we do. Your Scout may be inspired to write and submit a joke, have a better and brighter day, or complete a how-to project that builds major confidence.
  5. Newsletters are easy to share! With a few taps or clicks, your Scouts can share family-friendly jokes, games and mind-blowing articles with their friends.

Subscribe to the only newsletter for Scouts

Are you and your Scouts ready to sign up for a fun and safe newsletter for kids? It’s easy. Just subscribe here or using the form below.

If you’ve already signed up or have initial thoughts on what your Scouts would love to see in a newsletter, let us know in the comments below.

About Gina Circelli 52 Articles
Gina Circelli is the senior digital editor for Scout Life. She loves sharing news about Scouts who shake up pop culture or contribute to their communities in big ways.