Treat yourself: Summit Bechtel Reserve invites you to Adult Adventure Weekend

Throughout your time as a Scouter, you’ve helped young people shine.

You’ve watched them plan trips — and then driven them safely to their destination. You’ve mentored from the sidelines as they take on top leadership roles. You’ve smiled with pride as they enjoyed one life-changing adventure after another.

Now it’s your turn.

At Adult Adventure Weekend, held June 20 to 24, 2018, at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia, adults get to unleash their inner Scout.

This first-of-its-kind event invites adults to try SBR activities usually reserved for Scouts and Venturers. Adults will get to ride the zip lines, climb rocks, ride bikes, fish, tour, eat great food, hang out with friends, and experience the best adventures at SBR and the New River Gorge.

You’ve given your time, energy and resources to Scouting. Because of you, youth can participate in the grand adventure of Scouting.

Now, for one weekend this June, it’s your turn for a grand adventure. It’s your turn to treat yourself.

Adult Adventure Weekend: Things to know

When: June 20 to 24, 2018. You’ll arrive the evening of Wednesday, June 20, and depart the morning of Sunday, June 24.

Where: The Summit Bechtel Reserve in Glen Jean, W.Va.

What: Adult Adventure Weekend, with three primary program components:

  1. SBR onsite adventures: aerial sports, wheeled sports and water activities
  2. New River Gorge offsite adventures: rafting, rock climbing, mountain biking, hiking and fishing
  3. Evening workshops to help you deliver high-caliber outdoor adventures in your Scout unit

Schedule: Here’s a basic overview.

  • June 20: Evening arrival and cracker barrel at Base Camp
  • June 21: Adventure programs during the day, followed by an evening program
  • June 22: Adventure programs during the day, followed by an evening program
  • June 23: Adventure programs during the day, followed by a closing program
  • June 24: Morning departure

Who: Any adult whose BSA membership is current at the time of the event. Participants will also be required to have current Youth Protection training as well.

Why: Three reasons to attend:

  1. To celebrate your contributions in making Scouting a success.
  2. To have fun participating in exciting adventure programs at the Summit Bechtel Reserve and New River Gorge.
  3. To become energized as we work together to provide future outdoor adventures that will increase membership, retention and camping participation in your council.

How much: $295 per person. There will be an additional fee of $75 if a rafting elective is added. Payment is due in full at the time of registration.

Have questions?

Learn how to contact SBR staff here.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.