Nominate a Scout or Venturer for the 2018 Inspiration Awards

The Inspiration Awards are looking to honor a young person age 16 to 21 whose leadership skills and passion for the outdoors inspire us all.

Reading that description, it shouldn’t surprise you that a Boy Scouts of America member has won the Youth category each of the three years of the award’s existence. They are, from left above: Eagle Scout Matt Moniz (2015), Venturer Jackie Timmins (2016) and Venturer Lillian Rose Weihert (2017).

With your help, we’ll make it four for four in 2018.

Nominations are due by 6 p.m. (PST), Dec. 29, 2017, for the 2018 Inspiration Awards, presented at the Outdoor Retailer Winter Market in January in Denver.

You’ll want to nominate someone who:

  • Shows leadership in schools and communities
  • Shares their sport and passion with others
  • Goes above and beyond to protect and preserve the environment

The winner will take the stage at the eighth annual Inspiration Awards, held Jan. 25, 2017, at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver.

Though the Boy Scouts of America is one of the presenting sponsors for the Inspiration Awards, that doesn’t give us any advantage. But we do have a natural leg up, because the BSA has been creating outdoors-savvy leaders since 1910.

Time is running out, so nominate a worthy young person today at this link.

Who has won this award in past years?

The award debuted in 2015. A member of the Boy Scouts of America has won each year.

In 2017, Venturer Lillian Rose Weihert from the Chicago-based Pathway to Adventure Council, was recognized for her work in angler education through the BSA’s Certified Angling Instructor Program.

In 2016, Venturer Jackie Timmins took the honor.  She achieved the rank of Silver and was finishing up her last requirement for the Ranger Award at the time of her selection.

In 2015, Eagle Scout Matt Moniz was recognized. You likely remember him as the young man who saved lives on Everest after the deadly earthquake there.

About Bryan Wendell 3281 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.