Puerto Rico Scouter shared this powerful message 2 days before Hurricane Maria hit

Two days before Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico, Maria Molinelli, Scout executive at the Concilio de Puerto Rico de los Boy Scouts of America, posted a message in Spanish on the council Facebook page.

It says a lot that she and other Scout leaders were thinking of others first and themselves last.

Here’s an excerpt:

Dear volunteers,

It has shocked me so that the hurricane that threatens us bears my name. God works in mysterious ways.

Today is a special day where we can put into practice and teach our Scouts the values of compassion and selfless service. We can also put into practice the skills learned to prepare to spend these days in the best possible way.

I invite you to contact the families of your unit and make sure they are ready. I invite you to pray, to share with your neighbors and to ensure more for your safety than for material things.

I’m sure God has a plan for our beloved island. We are a compassionate and big-hearted people. We have already demonstrated this in these days by helping our brothers from  neighboring islands.

Today we have to protect our families and help our neighbors. I ask you to check whether or not there are elderly people or helpless people who can’t prepare themselves. I ask you to come closer to those neighbors with whom you almost never speak. It’s time to show that we are united at the heart.

We’re a great organization. Use your uniform while you serve these days, if you can, and remember that I’m calling you to serve.

God bless you and take care of you.

While we await more information from our fellow BSA members in Puerto Rico, it’s heartening to know that Scout leaders like Molinelli are on the ground, leading the charge.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.