For this October’s Jamboree, you don’t need to travel by plane, train or bus to join the fun.
All you really need is a ham radio or a connection to the internet.
This Oct. 20 to 22, Scouts from down the street, across the country and around the world will gather for the annual Jamboree-on-the-Air and Jamboree-on-the-Internet.
The two events, held concurrently the third full weekend of October, use amateur radio and Internet-connected devices to unite Scouts from all over the Earth.
And I do mean all over the Earth. The 2016 Jamboree-on-the-Air had nearly 1.3 million Scout participants from more than 30,000 locations and reached 156 different countries.
Will your Scouts or Venturers be a part of the fun — and earn the patch to prove it? Here’s what you need to know.
Requirements completed
In addition to being incredibly fun, JOTA and JOTI count toward Scouting requirements:
- For Tigers, this meets requirements for the elective adventure Family Stories.
- For Webelos, it counts toward the Arrow of Light adventure Building a Better World.
- Boy Scouts can check off a requirement for the Citizenship in the World merit badge and the Radio merit badge.
- All Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venturers and adult leaders can count the event toward the requirements for the International Spirit Award.
2017 Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA)
What: Annual Scouting event that uses amateur radio to link Scouts around the world, across the country and in your own community.
When: Third full weekend of October (this year it’s Oct. 20-22, 2017). There are no official hours, so you have the whole weekend to make JOTA contacts. The event officially starts Friday evening during the JOTA Jump Start and runs through Sunday evening.
Who: Scouts and Venturers of any age, plus their families.
How: Once at the ham radio station, the communication typically requires speaking into a microphone and listening on the station speakers. However, many forms of specialized communication can also take place, such as video communication, digital communication using typed words on the computer screen transmitted by radio, communication through a satellite relay or an earth-based relay (called a repeater), and many others.
Where to find help: Contact your local council. They may already have an event set up that your Scouts can attend. Otherwise, find a local American Radio Relay League club here.
Learn more: Get resources, quick-start guides, patch order forms and lots more at the JOTA website.
Just for fun: Check out this archive of JOTA patches through the years.
2017 Jamboree-on-the-Internet (JOTI)
What: JOTA’s younger brother, JOTI is an annual Scouting event that uses the Internet and the numerous devices that are used to get online — laptops, iPads and more — to link Scouts from around the world. In 2016, JOTI had more than 47,000 Scouts and leaders registered in the worldwide JOTI database.
When: JOTI begins at 00:00 hours local time on Saturday, Oct. 21, 2017, and will end at 24:00 hours local time on Sunday, Oct. 22, 2017.
Who: Scouts and Venturers of any age, plus their families.
How: Scouts can participate at home with the help of an adult (remember two-deep leadership!), or they can participate in a Scout group at a councilwide event. JOTI is an economical way of communicating with people from other corners of the globe. The event allows Scouts to “meet” other Scouts from around the world through the Internet and share more information than just “hi.”
Where to find help: Contact your local council. They may already have an event set up that your Scouts can attend.
Learn more: Get resources, quick-start guides, patch order forms and lots more at the JOTI website.
Just for fun: Check out this archive of JOTI patches through the years.
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