New details released about Lions, the pilot program for kindergarten boys

Lion-logo-hiresThe excitement about Lions, the new pilot program for kindergarten boys, is beginning to reach a roar.

And new details released this week will only amplify the enthusiasm.

Last month I told you how Lions will begin in participating councils this fall. Your council’s Scout Executive already has details on how to apply to become a national pilot site for fall 2016.

Now I can report that Lions will wear special T-shirts as their uniforms and earn adventure stickers instead of belt loops.

Those changes prove that this Scouting program for kindergartners isn’t simply a new Cub Scout rank.

Here’s a quick overview of what we learned this week:

  • In Lions, you’ll find the familiar concepts of character development, leadership skills, personal fitness and citizenship weaved into activities that are age-appropriate and fun.
  • “Adventures,” which are themed sets of activities and experiences, will help families explore the world around them.
  • Lions will form into dens of six to eight boys. Parents will serve as “Lion Guides.”
  • When completing an adventure, a Lion will earn an “adventure sticker” for his Lion Adventure Book.
  • Instead of the blue button-up uniform, Lions will love wearing their very own Lion T-shirt. The shirts will be available at Scout Shops in councils that are piloting the Lion program. Lions won’t wear the Cub Scout uniform until they are old enough to officially transition into Cub Scouting as a Tiger.
  • Lion dens may be invited to some pack meetings, but Scouters should make sure any meetings the Lions attend include age-appropriate activities.
  • At the end of the kindergarten year, Lions will graduate into Cub Scouting as Tigers, where even more fun and adventure await.

What’s next?

Councils have begun to consider whether to apply to become a national Lion pilot site for fall 2016, and Scout Executives have been made aware of the procedures to do so.

More information, including program specifics and FAQs, is due in the coming months.

About Bryan Wendell 3281 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.