Let’s see photos from inside your Scout meeting place

Does your pack, troop, team, post, ship or crew meet somewhere neat?

That’s what a Scouter named Jeremy wondered when he wrote this email:

I would love to see people share pictures of the insides of their meeting places. I know that there are a lot of cool ones out there, and it would be interesting to see what people have done.

Great idea, Jeremy!

Please email me a photo (or three) of the inside of your Scout unit meeting place. Whether you have a permanent location for Scouting or share the space with other groups, I want to see it. This can be a church basement, school gym or anywhere your Scout unit calls home.

I’ll post the best photos — like the one above from Tulsa, Okla., Troop 1 — in the coming weeks.

Full instructions below. 

How to send in your photo

  1. Please select one to three photos that best represent your Scout meeting place. High-res preferred. If sending from an iPhone, for example, please select “Large” or “Actual Size.”
  2. Include in your email the unit number (i.e. Pack 123, Troop 456 or Crew 789) and city and state.
  3. Send the photo and information to onscouting@scouting.org with the subject line “My Scout meeting place.”
  4. Include a one-sentence description of the meeting place and why it makes such a great spot for Scouting.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.