The news never sleeps, and I’m not sure Scott Berger does either.
The Distinguished Eagle Scout is the associate director of the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley, where he helps put out a 30-minute news program every weekday and must be ready to go on the air any moment with breaking news.
Somehow he still has enough time to be a national Scouting volunteer, as well. He serves on several national committees, including the Merit Badge Maintenance Task Force. Those jobs mean traveling — on his own dime — across the country to committee meetings and national events.
Mention the name Scott Berger around the BSA’s national headquarters in Texas and you couldn’t get a better reaction. Everyone I talked to who has worked with him says how lucky they feel to have him as a volunteer. His expertise and passion for Scouting is unmatched; his positive actions have nationwide implications.
Speaking of lucky, I was fortunate enough to travel to New York late last year to profile Scott and watch him work during a broadcast of the CBS Evening News. Read the story in the latest issue of Eagles’ Call magazine (Summer 2014), which current National Eagle Scout Association members should’ve received last week.
In addition to the story, we also made a behind-the-scenes video of our visit to the CBS Broadcast Center. Don’t miss that below.
Bonus photo
Here I am with CBS anchor Scott Pelley and NESA Director Bill Steele.
Photos by W. Garth Dowling. Video by Tom Fiorini.
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