About the Cub Scouters behind the Cub Scout program updates

Ken KingThe folks behind next year’s fun-focused changes to Cub Scouting aren’t high-paid consultants. They aren’t people who have never run a den meeting in their lives. They’re not even BSA professionals.

In truth, they’re volunteers — dedicated Cub Scouters just like you. There were more than 100 volunteer leaders on the 411 Steering Committee, chaired by Russ Hunsaker. They come from across the country.

These volunteers, with the help of some staff advisors, contributed to the analysis of the current program and made recommendations for the Cub Scout program being unveiled here at the 2014 National Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tenn. (Read all about the new program on the BSA’s Program Updates page.)

Everyone on the Cub Adventure Team is an experienced Cub Scout leader. They’ve been at it for a while, helping on other Cub Scout programs materials like BALOO training, the Cub Scout Outdoor Adventure Award, the former Theme Task Force and Cub Scout National Camping School curriculum.

It’s not just their volunteer Scouting experience that makes them qualified. They also have professional expertise in curriculum design and/or youth development.

Take Eagle Scout Ken King, pictured above. He’s an experienced Cub Scouter but also an associate professor of elementary education at Roosevelt University in Chicago. Like I said, his Scouting and his professional background make him the kind of guy you want driving these changes.

Other Cub Adventure Team members like Dan Albert, Kim Baker, Roger Brown, Nancy Farrell, Jamie Green, Dennis Kampa, Kee Ostler, Janet Mintz, Debbie Spohn, Caren Tamkin, Linda Vaughn, Amy VonCulin and Toni Welch have similarly impressive qualifications.

Still want more details on the who, what and why behind these changes? Consult the Program Updates page.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.