We know in graphic detail what happens when “happy mountaineers” use the restroom.
What we don’t know, until today, are other clever ways to remind Scouts — and ourselves — to remain hydrated in the great outdoors.
That’s why last month I asked Scouters like you to send in your best hydration slogans.
In all, I received 157 submissions. I made an initial cut, removing slogans that weren’t Scout appropriate or didn’t follow the contest rules. I sent the 85 remaining to Richard Bourlon, hydration hype-man (and BSA health and safety guru).
Here are Bourlon’s selections, in no particular order:
- “Don’t Be A Drip! Take A Sip!” — Stephanie Johnston, Jersey Shore Council
- “H2O makes a Hiker GO!” — Tom Stanfield, Capital Area Council
- “Show What You Know – Drink Your H20!” — Tony Hoppa, Seneca Waterways Council
- “Way 2 go H2O!” — Ellie Leialoha, Maui County Council
- “When the weather is hot and the sun is hotter, don’t be a fool! Drink some water!” — Angel Zamora, South Texas Council
- “Veni, Sudare, Bibi. (I came, I sweat, I drank.)” — Michael Menninger, Atlanta Area Council
- “Don’t dehydrate in the sun, Hydrate! Hydrate! And have fun.” — Mark De Wett, Longs Peak Council
- “No spit, no sweat, no need to go? Fix it all with H2O!” — Paul Kautz, Northern Star Council
- “You’re not thinking, If you’re not drinking.” — Gray Jolly, Old Hickory Council
- “Water in your gut keeps you off your butt!” — Chris McEvoy, Annawon Council
Thanks to these 10 Scouters. I’ll send each of you the limited-edition “Hydrate or Die” water bottle pictured at right.
Only 100 of the bright-orange Camelbak bottles were made, making these 10 real collectors’ items.
Fill it up with water and sip with pride on your next Scouting outing!
What do you think?
Which of these winning slogans was your favorite? Have a better slogan? The contest is over, but you can still earn some bragging rights by leaving a comment below.
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