National Week of Giving encourages non-Scouters to give back

Has Scouting affected anyone in your life?

I’ll bet it goes beyond just you and your family.

It might be your coworker who remembers catching his first fish at Boy Scout summer camp. Or your neighbor who has seen Scouts improve her community. Or your high school friend, who hasn’t put on a Scout uniform since his Eagle Scout ceremony.

In honor of the National Week of Giving, which started yesterday, now’s the time to encourage those people in your life who served as Scouts or whose lives are affected by Scouts — in other words, just about everyone — to donate to the Boy Scouts of America.

Held each year during the week of the Feb. 8 anniversary of the BSA’s founding, the idea is to remind those not involved with Scouting how important it is to the community.

Here’s what to do:

  • First, send the non-Scouters in your life to the new A Place to Give Web site.
  • Once there, these individuals can learn ways to financially support Scouting and what the BSA will do with their gifts.
  • Options for donors include:
    • Sending a kid to camp
    • Honoring a family member buy putting their name on a piece of The Summit high-adventure base, such as a stone paver or wooden bench
    • Making a gift directly to the nearest local council (the site is location-aware, meaning it automatically knows a visitor’s location)
    • Donating directly to national Scouting.

You know the BSA gives so much to your community. And you know it’s time to ask the community to give back a little.

About Bryan Wendell 3281 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.