Scouting magazine news

The new

You rely on Scouting for relevant information to help you better serve Scouts. Now, you can find this same advice and much more on the Web, at the redesigned and easy-to-navigate Whether it’s up-to-date

Cub Scouting simplified

Now, when a friend of your son or daughter—or even a fellow adult—asks, “How can I get involved in Scouting?” your answer just got easier: While the recruitment Web site isn’t new, the BSA

What's New

A ‘Surge’ of Goodwill

There’s no better way to honor the memory of Sept. 11, 2001, than by reaching out and lending a hand to members of your local community. This year, Scouts will once again focus acts of

Cub Scouting

Record-keeping tips

When tracking your Scouts’ advancement achievements, you could find yourself in a sky-high pile of disorganized chaos. So what do you do as a den leader, Scoutmaster, advancement chair, or even a parent when a