“Nightly News” covers the release of Video Games belt loop, pin


Although Scouting magazine told you in its January-February 2010 issue that a Video Games belt loop and pin were on the way, the news media and blogosphere have just now caught on.

The announcement has created an whirlwind of misinformation, including many news outlets reporting that the new award is a merit badge for Boy Scouts. As Scout leaders, you know that belt loops and pins are for Cub Scouts only.

We've also heard the myth that Cub Scouts earn the award solely by playing video games. In fact, the requirements also ask boys to learn to be responsible consumers and users of these games.

A few news stories have gotten the facts mostly right, including the "NBC Nightly News" story embedded above.

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About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.