Scouter completes millionth eLearning module, wins free Philmont trip

I guess it’s true what they say: You’ve gotta be good to be lucky.

By doing a good thing — getting trained for his Scouting positions — Roger Sheats became the lucky Scouter who completed the 1 millionth eLearning module and won a free conference at the Philmont Training Center.

I blogged about this giveaway back in October, when more than 975,000 modules had been completed. I encouraged you to get trained both for the chance at the Philmont Training Center prize and because it’s just a good idea overall.

Sheats is an active Scouter in the Cape Fear Council based in Wilmington, N.C. He says he’s a big fan of the BSA Learn Center’s web-based training courses, created to give leaders position-specific information delivered on multiple devices.

“The BSA online training capability allows for an intelligent, effective and efficient way for me to get and stay informed as a Scout leader,” Sheats says. “It has been a tremendous benefit for me as a local and district Scout leader. I appreciate the genius and thoroughness of the content. I encourage my leaders to use it for the benefit of our Scouting youth.”

Scouters have completed more than 1 million modules in the free courses, which are available at The courses deliver high-quality online learning experiences tailored to your specific volunteer role or roles. You can complete them on multiple devices from the comfort of your couch or home office.

Sheats is the kind of busy Scouter who benefits most from the BSA Learn Center. A Star Scout as a youth, Sheats renewed his association with Scouting in his adult years.

He was Cubmaster of Pack 416, a new pack that now has more than 60 Cub Scouts. Then he became Scoutmaster of Troop 416. Now he is encouraging young men and young women to become active in the Lumber River District Venturing Crew.

Sheats also serves with other area Scout leaders as a unit commissioner, working with local packs, troops and crews to deliver the Scouting program in southeastern North Carolina.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.