“Would you like to serve on Wood Badge staff?” It was one of the easiest questions I’ve ever been asked. It sounds sentimental, but the truth is I had never really left Wood Badge, at
You might not enjoy reading this. But it could be the most important thing you’ll read today. As stated in The Boy Scout Handbook, “Child abuse is a serious problem in our society, and unfortunately,
It’s amazing how quickly a whisper turns into a roar. Take Wood Badge tickets, for example. Each one leaves a lasting legacy, but 50, 500, or even 5,000? That kind of impact reverberates across the
In Scouting, as in life, change is inevitable. You’ve got new merit badges, new locations for campouts, new roles in your unit, new health and safety regulations, and more. That makes change the only fact
As anyone who’s watched Survivor can attest, grouping a bunch of people together and giving them a name doesn’t make them an effective team. No, if you want to morph a collection of individuals into a
I’ve been involved in Scouting for more than 20 years, and I love trivia. At Wood Badge, those two forces collided, resulting in one giant, flaming ball of disappointment and public shame. I don’t want
Growing up, one thing always perplexed me about our home: What’s with all the owls? We lived in an owlery, it seemed. Owls in every room. I saw owl belt buckles, owl clocks, owl paperweights,
Most of my best memories from summer camp involved the water. Where else but Camp Cherokee’s epic waterfront could I swim, canoe with my friends, or sit on a massive airbag called “the blob” and
Kids spend more than 7.5 hours a day using some kind of electronic device, according to a 2010 Kaiser Family Foundation study. In other words, if they’re awake and not at school, they’re probably online.