Most of the Arrowmen who watch the jaw-dropping shows will never get to thank the NOAC 2015 scenic design team. But they’re not doing it for the glory.
Mike Surbaugh, who on Oct. 1 will become the BSA’s 13th Chief Scout Executive, climbed, ran and crawled through the OAWarrior challenge course at NOAC 2015.
I interviewed several Arrowmen to learn what their favorite patches — an answer that may change during the 2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference.
At the MSU Dairy Store, five college-age workers maintain their smiles as they busily serve shakes, scoops, cups and cones to a steady stream of Arrowmen.
NOAC 2015 is unlike any before it, and it has a trading post to match. Kay Trick and her team accomplished this with what she calls an “IKEA-style flow.”