Order of the Arrow announces 2024 Distinguished Service Award recipients

When the number of recipients of a particular award is so small that Scouting America can publish the list in its entirety, you know you’re dealing with a prestigious award.

Such is the case with the Order of the Arrow Distinguished Service Award, an award given to men and women who serve the OA beyond the lodge level — on a sectional, regional or national basis.

The award is given every two or three years. The 2024 recipients were officially approved by the Order of the Arrow committee at last week’s National Annual Meeting.

“This award recognizes the members of Scouting’s National Honor Society who have given significantly of themselves in cheerful service to the Order beyond the lodge level,” says Chris Grove, chair of the national OA committee. “It is reserved for those who exceeded the already high expectations of our members. This group of recipients are to be commended for their accomplishments and for all they have done for Scouting and the Order.”

Less than 1,200 OA distinguished service awards have been given since its creation in 1940.

What is the OA Distinguished Service Award?

The OA Distinguished Service Award was created in 1940 to honor those who rendered service to the Order beyond the lodge level. The award is presented to Arrowmen — youth and adults — who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional or national basis.

The award is presented at the National Order of the Arrow Conference. There will be a livestream of the presentation for remote delegates; click here to register to become a remote delegate and gain access to the stream.

The award is a sterling silver arrowhead bearing an arrow pointing up and to the wearer’s right. The award is suspended from a white neck-ribbon, on which red arrows are embroidered. A white square knot embroidered on red cloth is available for uniform wear and a silver arrowhead lapel pin is available for civilian wear.

You might recognize some of the names on the chronological list of winners.

Urner Goodman and Carroll A. Edson, founders of the Order of the Arrow, were part of the OA Distinguished Service Award’s inaugural class, as was James E. West, the BSA’s first “executive secretary,” later renamed Chief Scout Executive.

It is one of several awards offered by the Order of the Arrow.

How do you nominate someone for the OA Distinguished Service Award?

Fill out the nomination form here.

The award is available to adults (volunteers and Scouting America professionals) and Scouts under 21.

Only a limited number of awards are approved. Arrowmen whose service records are the most outstanding and extend the farthest beyond the lodge level are usually selected.

Who are the 2024 recipients?

The 2024 OA Distinguished Service Award recipients are:

Ross Arnold

Jeffrey Aster

Jason Ball

Timothy Beecher

Kurt Everett Brown

Steven Buer

Vianney Careaga

Matthew Carlson

Adrian Castaneda

Corey Channell

Johncarlo Cinelli

Evan Crocker

James Delorey

Benjamin Deveau

John Donat

Paul Empie

Carson Paul Engelmann

Mike Fowler

Thomas Franklin

Sam Gartzman

Sean Gertsch

Joseph “Joey” Grabill Jr

Zachary Grinvalsky

Cortney Grosz

Wade Hartley

Eli J. Hattersley

Roger Hoyt

Darryk Kelly

Dave Kenneke

Grant Kim

Michael Kirby

Matthew Kusche

Vincent La Padula

Carson Lee

Andrew Line

Adam Lucier

Andrew Miller

Daniel Miller

Nikolaus K. Newman

Michael D. Parmer

Michael J. Payne

Grant Phifer

Alexander Pillis

Timothy Reiss

Michael “Mac” Richards

Bradley L. Schmidt

Peter Selfors

Catherine Simpson

Dirk Smelser

Andrea Watson

David Werhane

Michael Whitford

David Williams

About Aaron Derr 525 Articles
Aaron Derr is the senior editor of Scout Life and Scouting magazines, and also a former Cubmaster and Scouts BSA volunteer.