Scouting for Food kicks into gear, plus other good news from this week

Scouting for Food, the BSA’s annual food drive run by your local council, is underway at many locations across the country.

In Illinois and Northwest Indiana, more than 1,500 Scouts will canvass their neighborhoods soon, distributing flyers that instruct residents to leave donations on their doorsteps, according to this story from the Daily Herald in Chicago.

In Minnesota, Scouts from Austin and Mower County have already collected more than 44,000 pounds of food, as noted in this article from the Austin Daily Herald.

And in Amarillo, Texas, a local food bank is encouraging residents to donate to their local Scouting for Food efforts.

“In the Scout Law are the characteristics of being helpful, friendly and courteous,” the food bank’s director said in an article on “We are very grateful for the Scouts’ support for decades. Their service has provided many meals to our neighbors experiencing food insecurity throughout the Texas Panhandle. We are honored to partner with them once again.”

You can use your local Scouting for Food drive as a recruiting tool. To find out how, click on the BSA’s Recruitment Resources page, then scroll down and click on “Scouting for Food Campaign Kit.”

New Jersey Cub Scouts work to become more aware of disabilities

Cub Scout Pack 150 in Sparta, New Jersey, recently learned about how some disabilities might be visible to others, while some might be invisible.

They also were able to experience simulations of various disabilities including mobility, vision, hearing, dexterity, ADHD and dyslexia.

Read more in this article from Tap Into Sparta.

Virginia Scouts BSA troop celebrates its 100th birthday

Founded in March 1924, the first Scout troop in the city of Williamsburg, Virginia, has weathered wars, cultural and technologic shifts, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The troop’s motto is: “A Good Thing Since 1924.”

“I tell the boys all the time how amazing it is to get to be part of something that is 100 years old,” says the troop’s current Scoutmaster. “They may not appreciate it now, but they will when they’re older.”

Read more in this article from the Daily Press.

About Aaron Derr 526 Articles
Aaron Derr is the senior editor of Scout Life and Scouting magazines, and also a former Cubmaster and Scouts BSA volunteer.