Learn the facts about why Scout camp is a great place to work this summer

Scout camp staffer helps camper with archery at summer camp
Photo by W. Garth Dowling

The end of the school year is upon us, which means it’s almost time for Scout camp.

The only thing as fun and rewarding as attending camp as a participant is working at camp as a staffer.

Here are a list of ways your Scout can benefit from working at Scout camp. Let us know in the comments if you can think of more!

Working at summer camp gives kids great work experience to put on their resumes.

Getting a good internship or job in the late high school and early college years can be tough. How can they prove themselves when they haven’t gotten the opportunity to prove themselves? Putting “summer camp staffer” on that resume shows potential employees that they aren’t afraid to work hard, and that they’re able to work well with others. And guess what? The person they’re trying to get to hire them likely went to summer camp when they were kids. They know!

Working at summer camp gives kids the opportunity to meet potential future employers — all the adult leaders that come to camp.

In addition to Scouting youth, guess who else comes to Scout camp every summer? Doctors, dentists, cops, electricians, programmers, home builders … almost all of those adult volunteers have jobs. Working at camp gives youth a great opportunity to talk to people from all walks of life, and to ask questions, get references, and maybe even meet a future boss.

Working at summer camp gives kids the opportunity to become lifelong friends with fellow staff members.

Campers aren’t the only ones who make new friends at camp. Staffers do, too. The bond that comes from working alongside other young people of similar ages with similar interests is very much real. They might have never met each other before camp. They’ll never forget each other when it’s over.

Working at summer camp allows Scouts to be a positive influence on others.

Camp staffers are role models for younger Scouts. They will have the opportunity to teach them life-changing skills — how to swim, how to identify poisonous plants, or how to rescue someone who’s drowning.

Working at summer camp allows Scouts under 18 to work on advancement.

Summer camp is chockful of merit badge counselors. There’s no rule that says staffers can’t check off some requirements, too.

In addition to a weekly salary, summer camp staffers also usually get room and board.

A BSA summer camp staffer’s salary will vary based on the position and experience, but they almost always include lodging and food. That means less grocery shopping for parents who stay at home.

Working at summer camp still allows staffers enough free time to go on vacation with their families or do other fun things during the summer.

Most Scout camps don’t run the entire summer, giving staff the chance to take part in other summertime activities with their families.

Contact your local council for more information about working at their Scout camps.

About Aaron Derr 519 Articles
Aaron Derr is the senior editor of Scout Life and Scouting magazines, and also a former Cubmaster and Scouts BSA volunteer.