Feb. 8 was the BSA’s birthday, and two Congressmen from opposite sides of the aisle did their part to make sure it didn’t go unrecognized on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Glenn Thompson, a Republican from Pennsylvania, and Sanford Bishop, a Democrat from Georgia, introduced a resolution celebrating the BSA’s 112th birthday, and recognizing Feb. 8, 2022, as Boy Scouts of America Day.
Speaking on the House floor with a copy of the 2010 Scout Handbook in his hand, Thompson said:
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the 112th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. On Feb. 8, 1910, Chicago businessman William D. Boyce, who grew up in Western Pennsylvania, incorporated the Boy Scouts of America. Since that time, millions of young men and women have joined the Scouts and learned the values of patriotism, courage and self-reliance.
Speaking from the heart
Thompson’s remarks came during the House’s allotted time for one-minute speeches, granted at the discretion of the Speaker.
Earlier today, I spoke on the #House floor celebrating 112 years of @boyscouts and their pivotal role in shaping the leaders of tomorrow. I am proud to introduce a resolution recognizing today as Boys Scouts of America Day. pic.twitter.com/eQO9nImaL6
— Glenn "GT" Thompson (@CongressmanGT) February 8, 2022
“No organization has done more to build leadership and character in America’s youth than the Boy Scouts of America,” Congressman Bishop said in a joint news release with Thompson. “Successive generations of boys, and now girls, who have promised to do their duty to God and country, to obey the scout law, to help other people at all times, to keep physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight, are the essence of what has made America great.
In his speech, Thompson noted how his time in Scouting shaped the person he is today.
Mr. Speaker, including serving as Scoutmaster and achieving the rank of Eagle Scout in 1977. It was these experiences that first sparked my interest in public service — the Boy Scout Oath in part urges us to perform our duty to our country. … After the Bible, probably this manual — the Boy Scout Handbook — has done more to shape my life and make me the person I am today.
Congressman Bishop is a Distinguished Eagle Scout, and in 2012 was awarded the Good Scout award by the National Capital Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America for his “years of service as an Eagle Scout and longtime support of the Boy Scouts of America,” according to the news release.
As one whose life has been impacted by scouting, I'm proud to join @CongressmanGT in honoring and celebrating the noble character and spirit of the @boyscouts.
— Sanford Bishop, Jr. (@SanfordBishop) February 8, 2022
The official text
The resolution, officially classified as “117th Congress 2d Session H. Res. 914,” reads in part:
Supporting the designation of a ‘‘Boy Scouts of America Day’’ in celebration of its 112th anniversary.
Whereas the Boy Scouts of America was incorporated by Chicago publisher, William Boyce, on February 8, 1910, after learning of the Scouting movement during a visit to London;
It continues:
Whereas, in 2022, there are 18,000,000 current alumni of the Scouting program within the United States, and more than 1,000,000 youth are currently enrolled across the United States;
Whereas each individual scout, unit, and local council com- mits to performing community service yearly, totaling more than 30,000,000 community service hours in recent years;
Whereas more than 750,000 adult volunteer leaders selflessly serve young people in their communities through religious, civic, and other organizations chartered by the Boy Scouts of America;
Whereas the men and women involved in Scouting often neither seek nor receive the thanks of the public for their contribution to the future of our country;
And concludes with:
Now, therefore, be it
1 Resolved, That the House of Representatives supports
2 the designation of a ‘‘Boy Scouts of America Day’’ in cele-
3 bration of the 112th anniversary of the incorporation of
4 the Boy Scouts of America.
Click here to read the resolution in its entirety on the official website of the United States Congress.
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