Unit College Scouter Reserve helps former Scouts stay connected to troop

When a young man turns 18 and heads off to college out of town or out of state, one of two things usually happens.

You might lose track of him as he begins this new chapter of life — Scouting just a happy, though formative, part of his past.

Or he might register as an assistant Scoutmaster, knowing he won’t make many meetings or campouts but wanting to stay connected to his troop — especially to participate in Scouting activities while home for summer or winter break.

Turns out there’s a third option that’s better than either of those: the Unit College Scouter Reserve.

By registering in this role, a man or woman who is too old to be a Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, Sea Scout or Venturer can still be registered in Scouting.

The position was created by request of some adult volunteers who saw new assistant Scoutmasters head off to college and become bogged down in coursework. Their concern: Units were penalized on Journey to Excellence (JTE) training scores because college students registered as assistant Scoutmasters despite not having time to take all the necessary training.

The Unit College Scouter Reserve is the answer. The position has been around since at least 2011, but this is the first time I’ve covered it here.

Adults registered in this position (code 92U) have just one required training course: Youth Protection, which can be taken online. The usual registration application criteria and fees still apply.

There’s no position patch for the Unit College Scouter Reserve, but there is the satisfaction in knowing you’ve maintained contact with these young adult leaders — all without hurting your JTE score.

About Bryan Wendell 3281 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.