Why this Sea Scout ship was named best in the country in 2016

Ship-100-National-Flagship-2An all-female Sea Scout ship from San Francisco that operates on a historic wooden whaleboat has been named the BSA’s top ship for 2016.

The 2016 National Flagship Award goes to Ship 100, nicknamed the “Viking,” which is part of the San Francisco Bay Area Council.

The National Flagship Award, presented by the Boat Owners Association of the United States and Sea Scouts BSA, recognizes a Sea Scout ship that boasts exceptional programming, top-class youth achievement and dedicated adult volunteers. The ship receives a trophy and has its ship name permanently inscribed on a separate trophy at the National Scouting Museum in Irving, Texas.

Ship 100 — helmed by 2015 Boatswains Louise Hendzel and Miranda Huson, 2016 Boatswain Sofia Mack, and Skipper Tamara Sokolov — is certainly worthy of the recognition. Here’s why.

Ship-100-National-Flagship-3They’re keeping history alive.

Sea Scout Ship 100 makes its home at the beautiful San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park. The ship’s main vessel is a historic wooden whaleboat built by the U.S. Navy in 1938, and the young women of the Viking keep the boat maintained and actively sailed – often winning top honors in historic sailboat races.

They’re a bunch of winners.

The year 2015 was a great one for Ship 100. They were named Western Region Flagship, their Boatswain Miranda Huson was selected as Western Region Boatswain, and they were the first female ship to win the rowing competition at the Ancient Mariner Regatta. Oh, and they also won the Navigator’s Award for their skills in piloting, navigation and seamanship.

They’re active.

Ship 100 meets two to four times a week to sail, take training, row and maintain their boats. They go on advancement retreats and camping trips, visit boat shows, participate in Venturing weekends, take overnight sailing trips and even try camping in the snow.

They’re super active.

Each year, Ship 100 holds a two-week “super activity” during which they cruise through the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta. But this is no leisurely cruise. The Sea Scouts do it all — sail, plan and prepare meals, and maintain the boat. Eighteen youth members and seven adult volunteers participated in Ship 100’s 2015 summer cruise.

They’re service-minded.

Community service is an integral component of Ship 100’s program. The young women participated in 13 service projects and color guard ceremonies in 2015. Six of those community service events were Quartermaster projects that were planned and coordinated by senior members of the ship.

They’re on Facebook.

Check out more from Ship 100 on Facebook.

They’re not alone.

Ship 100 was named 2016’s top ship, but congratulations also are in order for the entire 2016 National Flagship Fleet.

These ships offer some great programs for young people:

  • Sea Fox Ship 9, Alameda Council, Alameda, Calif.
  • Decisive Ship 11, Aloha Council, Kauai, Hawaii
  • Columbia Ranger Ship 361, Baltimore Area Council, Marriottsville, Md.
  • Heatwave Ship 450, Las Vegas Area Council, Lake Havasu City, Ariz.
  • Cricket Ship 876, Longhouse Council, Liverpool, N.Y.
  • Response Ship 911, Capitol Area Council, Austin, Texas
  • Dragonlady Ship 1942, National Capital Area Council, Arlington, Va.


About Bryan Wendell 3281 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.