BSA names its National Alumnus of the Year for 2016

National-Alumnus-of-the-Year-AwardThe Boy Scouts of America’s Scouting Alumni Association has named Ray Capp, Distinguished Eagle Scout and chairman of the Order the Arrow, as its 2016 National Alumnus of the Year.

The award, presented annually since 2011, honors one volunteer whose efforts have helped grow Scouting in big ways.

A letter co-authored by Scouting Alumni Association committee chairman Ed Pease and director Dustin Farris paints an impressive portrait of Capp’s contributions to the Scouting movement. The most recent example was last year’s 100th anniversary of the Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s honor society.

Capp used that occasion to reach out to “countless former Scouters asking them to become involved in the Scouting movement once again,” according to the letter. These alumni re-engaged in the OA as it celebrated its 100th birthday, with many becoming inspired by what they saw at the National Order of the Arrow Conference. And here’s the best part: Most of these individuals will stick around to help grow the BSA in 2016 and beyond.

It doesn’t stop there. Here’s what else Capp has done to deserve this honor:

  • Serves on the National Order of the Arrow committee, National Scouting Museum board, National Outdoor Adventures committee, National Marketing and Innovation committee, and National Staff Training committee at the Philmont Training Center
  • Wrote the template for how to establish a council alumni association and implemented it at Middle Tennessee Council
  • Has received the Silver Buffalo Award, OA Distinguished Service Award, Silver Antelope Award, Silver Beaver Award, District Award of Merit and the Scoutmaster Award of Merit
  • Outside of Scouting, has received the American Legion School Award, Governor’s Volunteer Award and President’s Volunteer Award

The formal presentation of Capp’s award will take place at the BSA’s National Annual Meeting in May.

Who has received this award in the past?

The National Alumnus of the Year Award has been presented every year since 2011. Award recipients are:

  • 2011: Jack Coughlinchampion of the BSA’s first nationwide Eagle Scout search.
  • 2012: Glenn Adams, helped identify tens of thousands of lost alumni and started the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award.
  • 2013: David Briscoeserved on numerous committees in a half-century of service to Scouting.
  • 2014: Rick Bragga, deeply involved in creating the BSA’s alumni program and author of the alumni program syllabus used at the Philmont Training Center.
  • 2015: Ed Pease, served as president of Philmont Staff Association, helping membership triple. 
  • 2016: Ray Capp, helped alumni re-engage with Scouting during the celebration of the Order of the Arrow’s 100th anniversary.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.