When Paul Attwater’s son received a congratulatory note from JanSport co-founder (and former Scout) Skip Yowell in 2013, something was memorably different.
As Scouters, we’re prepared for the unexpected emergency during an event. But what about the possibility the event might not happen at all? Have a plan B.
Who’s more nervous about that first night sleeping in a tent: the Cub Scouts or their moms or dads? In some of our Scouting families, the answer is both.
SPONSORED: Space Camp offers an unforgettable week for your Scout-age kids — one that could spark a career in an important field that’s actually hiring.
“It’s a story of five boys adventuring together.” Friends from Troop 820 of Chapel Hill, N.C., have seen Scouting take them to every high-adventure base.
An assistant Scoutmaster wonders how using disposable paper and plastic products (camp waste) aligns with the BSA’s commitment to environmental stewardship.
Why take Wood Badge? Scouters say it “made me a better leader,” “helped me turn my troop around” and is “one of the best training experiences I have had.”