Why take Wood Badge? 25 Scouters state their case

The reviews are in, and Wood Badge gets top grades from your fellow Scouting volunteers.

They say it “made me a better leader,” “helped me turn my troop around” and is “one of the best training experiences I have had.”

One Scouter called it the “second-best decision you’ll make in Scouting.” The first, of course, was getting involved in Scouting in the first place.

Wood Badge is the BSA’s training course for adult leaders, and it’s for new and experienced Scouters alike.

Most councils offer the course at least once a year and hold it over two three-day weekends or one six-day week. You’ll leave as a better Scouter, guaranteed. But don’t take my word for it.

Here’s what 25 of your fellow Scouters had to say when asked “Why Wood Badge?”

Why take Wood Badge?

These answers are from our Facebook page. Find more there.

  1. “Wood Badge is one of the best training experiences I have had since becoming involved in Scouting.” – Gary L.
  2. “Take everything you think you know about leadership training, and throw it out the door!” – Jennifer F.
  3. “Wood Badge is not just a Scouting leadership training. It’s life training at its best.” – David D.
  4. “It’s the second-best decision you’ll make in Scouting. The first is getting involved!” – Doug T.
  5. Best training I’ve ever taken! I use the info for both Scouting and in my job as a teacher.” – Erinn O.
  6. “As a Scout, I always wondered where the great adult Scouters came from. Now I know, they’re made at Wood Badge.” – Robert W.
  7. It opens your eyes to all the possibilities that Scouting has for the youth.” – Ben T.
  8. “By taking Wood Badge as a den leader, I now know about the programs my Scouts will join in the future. I can better prepare them to be Scouts and can help their parents understand why we do the things we do in Cub Scouts.” – Ed D.
  9. “It puts the whole of Scouting into perspective.” – Lee T.
  10. “Wood Badge is a lot of fun! I’ve met some great friends during the course.” – Anthony S.
  11. “It … improved my ability to manage work and family balance overall, and made me a better leader.” – Alan S.
  12. “It’s a great way to put yourself in a Scout’s shoes and understand what they experience.” – Francine B.
  13. “As a Cub Scout leader for five years, I really didn’t know much about the patrol system. Taking Wood Badge just as my oldest boy transitioned into Scouts was extremely timely and prepared me to be a valuable adult leader in the troop.” – Kimberly S.
  14. So much takeaway that you will be able to use in the future not only in Scouting but in everyday life.” – Peter L.
  15. “No matter how much you think you know, you will learn much more about Scouting and yourself.” – Carl P.
  16.  “… helped me turn my troop around from an adult-centered to a youth-led troop.” Ron G.
  17. “I was promised leadership training I could use in Scouting and my professional life, along with new lifelong friends. I can say Wood Badge over-delivered.” – Kimberly A.
  18. “Do it. It changes your outlook on how to proceed with Scouting and to make Scouting better.” – Larry B.
  19. “Your Wood Badge experience will take what you already know and file it in your brain for easy organized access.” – Sheila F.
  20. “More importantly, the Scouts themselves will benefit from your decision to accept the challenge of earning your beads.” – Nic C.
  21. “It is money and time well spent.” – Marv H.
  22. You will find things about yourself you never knew before.” – Martin C.
  23. “An excellent training course, even for someone like me, who doesn’t love camping.” – Sue M.
  24. “I was fortunate to take Wood Badge at the same time my wife did. Aside from all of the great things it did for our unit, it also transformed our marriage.” – Lee B.
  25. “It’s the Ph.D. of Scouting, you and your unit will very much benefit from having one or more leader Wood Badge trained.” – Mike B.

Now what?

Matt S. says it best: “The next thing you should do after the first thought of taking Wood Badge is go to your council website and sign up.”

Indeed, Matt. Contact your council today to find out when they’re next offering Wood Badge.

Your turn

Which of the comments above most resonated with you? What reasons for taking Wood Badge can you add? Sound off in the comments below.

Photo by W. Garth Dowling/BSA

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.