NYLT patch offers a new way for Scouts and Venturers to show they’re trained

NYLT-patchHow do you identify a young person who has attended National Youth Leadership Training, the council-level course also known as NYLT?

You can look for the Scout or Venturer who is confident in his or her leadership role. You can look for the Scout or Venturer who practices servant leadership, valuing the team above the individual.

Or, starting now, you can look for the Scout or Venturer with the green-and-khaki patch that says “NYLT.”

Over six days of NYLT, which is essentially Wood Badge for Scouts and Venturers, young people enjoy action-packed activities, games and adventures as they work together and play together to put Scouting values into action.

NYLT-patch-and-Trained-patchOnce they’ve completed the course, Scouts and Venturers can wear one of two patches:

  • The regular “Trained” patch, which also may be worn by Scouts who have completed troop training, Venturers who have completed Crew Officers Orientation and Personal Safety Awareness training or adults who meet these requirements.
  • The new NYLT trained strip emblem

The NYLT patch ($1.69) is available at ScoutStuff.org. The regular Trained strip (also $1.69) is also available at ScoutStuff.org.

Scouts and Venturers who have completed NYLT wear one or the other of these patches — not both. My recommendation to Scouts and Venturers? Wear the NYLT patch if you can.

You might get a fellow Scout or Venturer asking “What’s NYLT?” and inspire them to get trained.

Hat tip: Thanks to the BSA’s Mark Nelson for the info. Photo from Seneca Waterways Council.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.