Without mining, you wouldn’t be reading this blog post right now. That’s because the high-tech components found in smartphones, tablets and computers are made of mined minerals. Reading this on a computer? Thank mining for
Update, 2019: The International Olympic Committee has upgraded Holcomb and Fogt’s bronze medals to silver after removing the gold medal from the Russian team. As teenagers, they received red, white and blue Eagle Scout medals.
Chief Scout of the World: There’s no cooler title around. That’s what they called Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the worldwide Scout Movement and therefore one of the masterminds behind the Boy Scouts of America. B-P
When Waite Phillips donated the land that became Philmont Scout Ranch, the total properties were valued in excess of $5 million. Adjusted for inflation, that’s roughly $79.5 million today. Scouts and Scouters who have visited the
Ever witnessed a camp-cooking mishap, chaotic den meeting or Scoutmaster slip-up? In that sense, you’re a lot like Scouters from 50 years ago, as evidenced by the collection of 33 Boy Scouts of America cartoons printed
A Scout is brave, but what Lawrence D. Sellers did on Jan. 29, 2013, was something beyond bravery. The Chicago Area Council Eagle Scout was shot in the leg while shielding a friend from gunfire during the Harsh
In 2010, Eagle Scout Steven Holcomb won Team USA’s first medal in four-man bobsled in 62 years, driving the United States to gold. Yesterday, he ended another 62-year American medal drought, this time in two-man
This much we know: A unit where Scouts/Venturers do everything without feedback or coaching from adult leaders is taking the “youth-led” concept too far. And a unit where adult leaders plan trips and lead meetings isn’t taking
Feb. 23: Full results below Team USA’s bobsledders must be born with a superhuman drive to reach their goals. How else can you explain the fact that 50 percent of USA-1, the four-man Olympic bobsled team
“Who wouldn’t like to do Exploring in this pleasant fashion,” Scouting editors wrote in describing the April 1959 cover seen at right. “It’s a case where it might be more fun to fail than to succeed!” It’s