On National Trails Day, show some love for our country’s great outdoors

Where would the Boy Scouts of America be without trails?

Well, there’d be no Philmont treks. The 50-miler award wouldn’t make much sense. And that big hike your troop is planning would require some serious bushwhacking to get to your destination.

Imagine how many great Scouting memories have been made on the more than 200,000 miles of trails in our country. And then tomorrow, do your part to celebrate and preserve the trails that help the BSA offer the nation’s best outdoor program for youth.

Here are some ideas for National Trails Day, always held on the first Saturday in June:

  • Get out. Use this locator map to find one of 2,000 events near you. These include trail maintenance, hiking, paddling, biking, horseback riding, bird watching, running, trail celebrations, and more.
  • Get active. Go hike, paddle, or ride a bike. Responsible trail use helps set the example for others and keep our trails clean and safe.
  • Get smart. Visit educational exhibits, join a guided hike, or go bird watching with local experts. You could consider having one of these experts talk at your next meeting or camp-out.
  • Give back. Show your favorite hiking trail a little TLC with a little trail maintenance. Your pack, troop, team, or crew already does service projects regularly, right? So why not give back to the trails that have given you so much.

About Bryan Wendell 3281 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.