You know about Jack Pape, the high school junior from Omaha, Neb., who won the American Spirit Award earlier this month, right?
He received his award at a special ceremony last week in Washington, D.C. Jack’s heroism on two separate occasions made him a worthy recipient of the honor and a great role model to other Scouts.
But don’t take my word for it.
In a recent piece published in Veterans Today, Eagle Scout and Medal of Honor recipient Leo K. Thorsness praises Jack and the entire Boy Scouts of America.
Thorsness’s words have added importance because he currently serves as president of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, which presented the award to Jack last week. And Thorsness knows something about bravery. He served in the U.S. Air Force and spent six years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.
The entire article is worth your time, but I do want to share one of my favorite parts:
When I shook Jack’s hand in Washington, I had to share a few words with him. I wanted him to know his experience in Scouting could be both a blessing and a curse. “A curse?” you ask. “Yes, because once people know you are a Scout, so much more is expected of you.” I know he can live up to it.
Once again, congratulations to Jack, and thanks to Col. Thorsness for your service and for sharing your words with all of us.
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