Ask the Expert: Does Bugler fulfill the “position of responsibility” for the Eagle Scout award?

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Today's question comes from Arlene Freeman, a Scouter in Austin, Tex. She writes:

Does the Bugler position fulfill the "position of responsibility" for Eagle Scout?
If it does, when did the position become effective for Eagle rank?

The simple answer is: No, it doesn't count as a position of responsibility. For the explanation, we went to Michael Lo Vecchio, program assistant for youth development. Here's his answer:

Bugler is not a leadership position for Eagle Scout. It was inadvertently listed in the new 12th edition of the BSA Handbook, the 2010 Boy Scout Requirements book, and on the and Web sites. It has been removed from the Eagle Scout Rank Application.

The sites and books are in the process of being updated. Thanks for the question, Arlene!

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.