Are you a Scouter and a teacher? Your feedback is needed for BSA pilot programs

In a way, all Scouters are teachers. All Scouters shape the lives of America’s youth and introduce them to new ways of seeing the world.

But some Scouters are paid (though not nearly enough) to teach for a living. If that’s you, the Boy Scouts of America needs your help.

Scouters who are teachers are asked to serve on an advisory panel for BSA programs, especially the new Lion Pilot program.

Kindergarten teachers are in highest demand for the panel, but teachers in all grades are welcome.

If you agree to this short-term commitment, you’ll be contacted on an occasional basis to offer feedback about BSA program ideas.

No traveling is necessary; you’ll offer feedback from the comfort of your laptop or smartphone.

Interested? Email your contact info to

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.