The Eagle Scout application ain’t over till the Boy Scouts sing

ma-you-earned-your-eagleHey, soon-to-be Eagle Scouts: Don’t stop at Page 2 when filling out your Eagle Scout Rank Application (PDF).

Complete the online survey, linked to on the third page (titled Supplemental Eagle Scout Information Form), and you’ll get a free MP3 of the song “Ma, You Earned Your Eagle.”

The song, which I blogged about earlier this week, is a touching way for Eagle Scouts to thank their mother for helping them during the Eagle journey. I can envision it being played at Eagle courts of honor everywhere. The process is simple: Complete the five-minute survey and you’ll get a link to instantly download the MP3. 

The survey questions have an expected Scouting twist: contact info, Scouting awards earned, high-adventure bases visited, jamborees attended, college/post-high school plans, favorite merit badges earned and whether the Eagle-to-be subscribed to Boys’ Life. Results aren’t sold or shared outside of the BSA.

The findings will help NESA identify trends in boys who make Eagle Scout. Kind of like that Baylor Eagle Scout study I told you about in 2012, but specifically focused on the Scouting experience.

One trend I’d expect to see, for example, is that Eagles are more likely than non-Eagles to subscribe to Boys’ Life and earn other Scouting awards. What would you expect to see?

Learn more about the National Eagle Scout Association at

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.