An update on the Scouts and Scouters in West, Texas

A bit of good news from West, Texas, today. Longhorn Council Scout Executive John Coyle says he’s learned the members of Pack 494 and Troop 494 in West are all safe and accounted for after the deadly explosion there Wednesday night.

Coyle’s assistant director of field service and four field staff members have spent the day in West distributing water and providing other help. It’s just another example of Scouts and Scouters pitching in when and where they’re needed.

Other Scouts are joining in the Good Turns. Troop 308, one of Longhorn Council’s larger troops in nearby Waco, Texas, is conducting a collection of essential goods on Sunday.

So if you live near there, stop by the First United Methodist Church in Waco at the corner of Lake Air drive and Cobbs drive. The collection will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 21. These are the items they need:  

  • toothpaste
  • water bottles
  • baby formula
  • diapers
  • shampoo
  • conditioner
  • gently used clothing of all sizes
  • deodorant
  • clean towels and blankets
  • personal hygiene products
  • shoes and items for children
  • baby wipes
  • trash bags

After the collection, Troop 308 leaders will work with Troop 494’s leadership to distribute the items to the community at the appropriate time.

About Bryan Wendell 3280 Articles
Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer.