Things You Should Know is an ongoing series about those essential life skills all young people should have in their arsenal.
Things You Should Know
BSA council-sponsored air show combines public outreach, Scout camporee and recruiting
The Chippewa Valley Air Show is a big deal. It takes months of planning before it even starts. It takes hours upon hours to set everything up. And in the midst of it all, there are more than 100 volunteers holding everything together, most of them Scouts and Scouters from the Chippewa Valley Council.
Keep your older Scouts engaged by safely increasing the intensity of their outdoor experiences
Your Scouts have been hiking. They’ve been to day camp. They’ve likely been on weekend campouts, and many of them might have been to summer camp. All of these are great, fun activities for Scouts who are just getting used to being outdoors. At some point, though, they’re going to be ready for more. So … what’s next?