There’s a big announcement coming out of the BSA this week, and there’s only one place you can get it.
Tune in this Friday to #CubChatLive, where we’ll discuss major updates to the Cub Scout program.
Since it was officially launched in 1930, the Cub Scout program has undergone regular updates and improvements to keep it relevant with the youth of the respective eras.
One thing, however, has never changed. It’s always been based on the values of Scouting — to prepare youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader.
That remains the case with the latest updates, which will go into effect on June 1, 2024.
You can watch this Friday’s show below once it goes live at 2 p.m. Central:
What is #CubChatLive and how do I watch?
#CubChatLive is our weekly live streaming video series in which we discuss all things related to Cub Scouts.
Past topics include the importance of immediate recognition, how Scoutbook can help keep your Cub Scout pack organized and how can packs best use the BeAScout.org website.
You can watch the show on the official Cub Scouts Facebook page or on the Scouting magazine YouTube channel.
Why does the Cub Scout program need to be updated?
Changes to any of the BSA’s program are not made on the whims and feelings of the professionals and National Cub Scouting Subcommittee volunteers who oversee those programs.
Instead, they’re based on scientific research and surveys of parents of Scout-aged youth.
“We’re taking what Cub Scouting already is, and we’re making it better based on feedback from leaders and parents,” says Anthony Berger, national director of the Cub Scouting program.
Tune into future #CubChatLive episodes all the way through next spring for more insight on how the program updates will keep Cub Scouting relevant for youth, parents and leaders.
Also, you can bookmark the BSA’s Cub Scout program updates page for new information as it’s available.
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