Libyan Scouts draw praise for response to flooding, and more inspiring news from the week

Image of a topographic map showing Storm Daniel
Frank Ramspott / Getty Images

Storm Daniel, a system that hit parts of the central and eastern Mediterranean a week ago, led to devastating flooding and massive loss of life in Libya, the country most affected by the storm.

As charitable organizations rushed in to provide aid, one stood out from the rest: the Public Scout and Girl Guide Movement, also called Libyan Boy Scouts.

“The Libyan Boy Scouts have been at the forefront of emergency response efforts, starting work one day after Storm Daniel caused flooding, which resulted in thousands of deaths,” according to this article from Middle East Eye. “With their distinguishable neckerchief fastened around their neck, the boy scouts have led efforts in facilitating aid, clearing roads of debris, distributing medicine, and assisting the injured and foreign search-and-rescue teams.”

The Libyan Public Scout and Girl Guide Movement is not part of the Boy Scouts of America. However, like the BSA, it is part of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), the largest international Scouting organization. The Libyan Scouts helping with the most strenuous recovery efforts range from 18-24 years old, while younger Scouts are helping collect and distribute supplies a safe distance away from the the dangerous areas.

“In the wake of Daniel’s destructive rampage through Libya, more than 1,500 dedicated Libyan Scouts from the whole country have swiftly responded to the catastrophic event,” according to a WOSM news release. “By taking part in the disaster response efforts, Libyan Scouts are showing great resilience and unwavering dedication to support their community during this difficult time”

Click here for a video of the Libyan Scouts in Action.

A photo of Libyan Scouts
Libyan Scouts proudly display the three-finger Scout salute. Photo courtesy of the World Scout Bureau

Service project prompts thank you letter to newspaper

A Scouts BSA troop in North Conway, New Hampshire, recently completed a service project at a local library, and their efforts inspired a library volunteer to write a letter of thanks to the local newspaper.

“As the volunteer who takes care of the gardens at the Madison Library, I would like to thank the boys of Scouts BSA Troop 151 … plus the troop leaders and parents for all the help they provided in spreading several yards of much-needed mulch at the library gardens,” she wrote in The Conway Daily Sun. “These efforts will both support the health of the plants and add to the beauty of the gardens.”

Eagle Scout candidate restores neighborhood basketball court

“They have done tremendous work,” says the president of the community center that’s home to a basketball court recently restored by George Casciello from New Bern, North Carolina. “The court is used by a lot of people, inside the community and outside as well. The replacement of the court has given the community hope. Hope has come alive again that things can be done over time.”

Read more about George’s Eagle Scout service project in this story from the New Bern Sun Journal.

See the moment Niagara Falls turned blue and gold in honor of Cub Scouts

Click here to learn how this came about in the first place.

About Aaron Derr 517 Articles
Aaron Derr is the senior editor of Scout Life and Scouting magazines, and also a former Cubmaster and Scouts BSA volunteer.